STIP 27.03.2023

2 scholarships, master’s degree, Historia del Arte de la Edad Moderna

Bewerbungsschluss: 01.09.2023

Maria Cruz de Carlos Varona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

The Universidad Autónoma in Madrid and the CEEH have signed an agreement to offer two scholarships fully covering the initial enrolment fee for the master’s degree in Historia del Arte de la Edad Moderna. Tradición clásica y mundo globalizado [Early Modern Art History. Classical tradition and globalised world], a postgraduate course on art of the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, focused on Europe and other areas that are particularly relevant to Spain: America and Asia. The master’s programme combines two aims: to provide a course that lends new importance and visibility to the classical tradition in the development and shaping of western culture from the Renaissance onwards; and to examine this tradition in the light of globalisation and analyse its limits in the abovementioned extra-European contexts.
The course combines specialisation in the subject with a strong practical focus. The fact it is based in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando makes it possible to study artistic output bearing in mind the materiality of the object in accordance with new conceptual frameworks that take into account a variety of aspects including the cultural relations that underpinned the world in the Modern Age and helped shape a sense of identity/identities.
Based on this integrated and comprehensive approach, the syllabus offers students a wide-ranging insight that is designed to provide opportunities in and outside Spain both for research as the start of an academic career and for exercising a profession in the field of culture and art (museums, heritage, cultural management, archives and libraries). The master’s course is geared chiefly to students with a degree in art history or a combined degree in art history and classics, as well as other related subjects.

Call for applications 2023-2024:
Master's website:

STIP: 2 scholarships, master’s degree, Historia del Arte de la Edad Moderna. In:, 27.03.2023. Letzter Zugriff 09.09.2024. <>.
