[Chinese version below]
The Centre for Chinese Visual Arts (CCVA) at Birmingham City University aims to foster new understandings and perspectives of Chinese contemporary arts, design and visual culture through interdisciplinary practices and theoretical studies. Following the 15-year success of our CCVA Annual Conference, which invites researchers, curators, artists, designers, and practitioners at all stages of their careers to share the latest research development on the theme proposed each year, we launch the First CCVA PhD Forum.In response to the increase of doctoral projects in the field of Chinese arts, design, media, and visual culture, this CCVA PhD Forum is designed as a UK-wide platform to support PhD students further, enhance intellectual exchanges of ideas and critical debates, expand participation of young generation scholars, and celebrate our achievement of up-to-date doctoral research. As a summer event to complement our winter conference, CCVA PhD Forum aims to provide a unique space for all students within and beyond the UK, who are conducting doctoral research, new PhDs (awarded within 12 months on 7 July 2023), as well as for supervisors, advisors, and examiners, and those who are interested in pursuing a PhD in the future, to share, debate and innovate.
Unlike our Annual Conference, the CCVA PhD Forum will not be themed. It welcomes proposals to present their PhD projects in any subject area of the arts and design but in relation to China and its dramatic transformations in the social, political, and cultural contexts. We see China as a method to encourage and foster cross-disciplinary discussion, new understanding, and knowledge production, and at the same time, as a focus to bring us closer to each other.
Presentations should last no more than 20 minutes. Forum fee: £30 (whole day attendance), £70 (full attendance including Forum dinner). Please note that this Forum will be in person only.
To apply, please complete the attached form (link below) and send it to Yining.Hemail.bcu.ac.uk and ccvabcu.ac.uk, with a subject titled ‘CCVA PhD Forum 1’, by 31 March 2023. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by CCVA PhD Forum Panel. Successful proposals will be notified within two weeks.
You can download the application form here: https://mcusercontent.com/c7f9085b45506b379f62ab45f/files/99cf5cb5-e0db-049f-19bd-2845dde03e3e/CCVA_Phd_forum_application_form.pdf
如需申请,请填写链接中所附表格,并在2023年3月31日前将标明“CCVA PhD Forum 1”主题的邮件连通表格发送至项目负责人何伊宁邮箱(Yining.Hemail.bcu.ac.uk) 并抄送 ccvabcu.ac.uk。提交的提案将由CCVA博士生论坛评审团。申请结果将在两周内公布。
CFP: Inaugural CCVA Phd Forum (Birmingham, 30 Jun 23). In: ArtHist.net, Jan 22, 2023 (accessed Mar 14, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/38396>.