ANN 01.12.2022

Artist Pedagogy Research Group SAR

University of the Arts Helsinki
Deadline/Anmeldeschluss: 31.01.2023

Luis Rene Guerra Miranda

Artist Pedagogy Research Group: Call for Members

This is a call for members of the SAR, Specialist Interest Group: Artist Pedagogy Research.

What are the unique qualities that artists bring to teaching artists, how can artistic research help to explore this and what can we learn by looking across the boundaries that separate fields of higher education in the arts?
The Artist Pedagogy Research group is a Specialist Interest Group of the Society of Artistic Research which sets out to explore these questions. It aims to bring together researchers focused on artists’ pedagogies. We use the term artist in its broadest sense to encompass practitioners from music, dance, theatre, performance, art making (studio arts, the free arts, or fine arts) and more. And we understand pedagogy not in its strictest etymologically derived sense of leading a child but as an overarching term for the theorization of teaching which might include didactics, critical pedagogies, student centred and world centred approaches and more, as well as terms that we are yet to define.

The group will ask what traditions are important, which innovations are significant, how wider developments in artistic research might influence our teaching, and what we can learn from each other? It seeks to explore the territories of different subjects, those areas which are shared, those which are entwined, and the liminal spaces in-between and to better ascertain and question the values and assumptions that propel the fields. The group aims to enable opportunities for collaboration, interdisciplinary pedagogical research, and dissemination; and to act as a space for sharing methods, methodologies, and research outcomes. In doing so it will deepen our knowledge and understanding of creative education and help us to better understand its potential futures.

We are seeking members who are artists, educators, and/or researchers focused on different learning environments including academies, universities, and alternative art schools, who are questioning what it means for artists to teach artists; how different forms of art are taught; how they might be taught; why they are taught in those ways; and how artistic research might help us to develop new understandings of artists’ pedagogies. We want new members to help form the group, to explore opportunities for collaboration, and to contribute to developing a critical and supportive research community.

The group will meet online approximately four times per year and once in person at the SAR conference.

Please email a brief confirmation of your interest to: by the 31st of January 2023


ANN: Artist Pedagogy Research Group SAR. In:, 01.12.2022. Letzter Zugriff 18.04.2024. <>.
