Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration.
Are you a model? A questionable start to a conversation one might think, and yet, architecture does beg the question. What does it mean to call something a model? Which implications, projections or desires are called to the table? Architects do not build buildings, they draw plans, they model structures or produce objects; all practices with a longstanding tradition in architecture—be they analog or digital. As a discipline working with substitute media and through displaced methods, we might ask of objects indeed: Are you a model? More than a pickup line, we want to put the model front and center in an assessment of architectural thinking and doing. We aim to explore the role architectural models play in professional and societal processes, as referents not merely of scale or form, but of architectural knowledge.
In nine moderated sessions and two keynotes over the course of three days, we will investigate together how architectural models are constructed or destroyed, how they operate, what they promise – and if that promise holds –, and which kinds of knowledge they produce. We hope to uncover new approaches and diverse takes on the model as both instrument and phenomenon in architecture and its history.
–Institute for Architecture Theory and Science (ATW), Technical University of Darmstadt
–Building History, Research and Preservation, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
–LOEWE cluster of excellence “Architectures of Order”
–Platform for digital science and research FID BAUdigital
–Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main (DAM)
–Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA)
The conference will be broadcasted online via Zoom.
The Hesse Chamber of Architects (AKH) awards training points for this event.
For registration and further information please visit:
WEDNESDAY, 02.11.2022
Location: Wilhelm-Köhler-Saal, S1|03 Altes Hauptgebäude, Hochschulstraße 1, Darmstadt
12:00 Registration
12:45 - Welcome
13:00-15:00 - Does size matter?
Anna-Maria Meister, Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction: On Models and Scale
Evangelos Kotsioris, The Museum of Modern Art
Giulia Boller, ETH Zurich
Heinz Isler’s small-scale physical models: an interplay between form and forces
Carlotta Darò, ENSA Paris Malaquais and ETH Zurich
The Acoustic Scale: Immersive Reduced Spectacles
Ruth Ezra, University of St Andrews
Muscovy glass, from fenestration to demonstration
15:00-15:30 - Coffee Break
15:30-17:30 - Who made me?
Anna Luise Schubert, Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction: On their Material Production
Matthew Wells, University of Manchester and Manchester Architecture Research Group
Object, manual, material, collection
Erik Herrmann, The Ohio State University
Vjenceslav Richter and the Reliefmeter
Sebastiaan Loosen, ETH Zürich
Mr. Dennis’ Model: Organizing Knowledge in the Postcolonial Era
Building Models of Practice: The OXSYS Software for Hospital Design, 1969-1974
KEYNOTEAnnabel Jane Wharton, Duke University
Am I Good?
Location: Max-Guther Saal, L3|01 Architektur, El-Lissitzky-Straße 1, Darmstadt
THURSDAY, 03.11.2022
Location: Wilhelm-Köhler-Saal, S1|03 Altes Hauptgebäude, Hochschulstraße 1, Darmstadt
08:30 Registration
09:00-11:00 - Give me access!
Oliver Elser, Deutsches Architekturmuseum
Introduction: On Models in Participatory Processes
Maxime Zaugg, ETH Zurich
In the Eye of the Beholder: New Representation Techniques for Public Urban Scale Models
Ecaterina Stefanescu, University of Central Lancashire
Rooms: Modelling Migrancy in the Context of Berlin
Tamar Zinguer, University of Oklahoma
Worlds in a Box: Modeling (inner and outer) Landscapes
Cansu Degirmencioglu, Technical University of Munich
Deniz Avci Hosanli, Izmir University of Economics
The Politics of Cutting and Gluing: Architectural Models as Propaganda in Early Republican Turkey
11:00-11:30 - Coffee Break
11:30-13:10 - What the hell happened to me?
Teresa Fankhänel, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University
Introduction: On their Afterlife and Decay
Stéphanie Quantin-Biancalani, Contemporary Architecture Collection in the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine
Crossing and Transformation. About Paul Andreu’s sphere models
Stefanie Brünenberg, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space
Kai Drewes [online], Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space
How to use architectural models: Connecting Archive and Research
Daniel Cardoso Llach, School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University
Models and Visions. Experimental Reconstructions of Design Pasts
13:10-14:30 - Lunch Break
14:30-16:10 - What is my act?
Lisa Beißwanger, Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction: On Models as Actors and Stages
Christian Janecke, University of Arts and Design in Offenbach/Main
Modelling Scenic Attitudes. On Funnels, Conical Stairs and Caveae in Postmodern Architecture
Giulia Amoresano, University of California, Los Angeles
Christina Moushoul, Princeton University
From Site to Set: the multi-scalar effect of architectural models in crafting gender and sexuality in postwar Italy
Mara Trübenbach, Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Sculptural puzzles. A conversation essay about model making, rituals and material literacy in architecture
16:10-16:40 - Coffee Break
16:40-18:40 - Am I the real thing?
Christiane Fülscher, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Introduction: On Copies and Casts
Diana Cristobal Olave [online], Princeton University
One-to-one scale: Witnessing the Walker Art Center’s Idea Houses I and II (1941-1947)
Ana Carolina Pellegrini [online], Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Unstuck Architectures: when the building becomes a model
Wonseok Chae, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
The modeling grammar of the real
Simona Valeriani, Victoria and Albert Museum and Royal College of Art
Studying, copying, making, sharing. Multiple approaches to an historical model.
with Thomas Demand [online], Annabel Jane Wharton and Anna-Maria Meister
FRIDAY, 04.11.2022
Location: Wilhelm-Köhler-Saal, S1|03 Altes Hauptgebäude, Hochschulstraße 1, Darmstadt
08:30 Registration
09:00-11:00 - Do we look alike? — by FID Bau
Chris Dähne, Goethe University Frankfurt a. M. and Technical University of Darmstadt
Andreas Noback, Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction: On Digital Multiples Twins and Simulation Processes
Gabriele Gramelsberger, RWTH Aachen
Digital Twin, Metaverse and Computerbased Simulation
Yana Boeva, University of Stuttgart
The Model Multiple: On Approximation Work in Digital Models and Twins
Baris Wenzel, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
Digitally recreating the Mannheim Multihalle Modell - Exploring the simulation of physical form-finding in the tradition of Frei Otto
Carolin Höfler, TH Köln
Models in Reality: Computation and Simulation in Architecture
11:00-11:30 - Coffee Break
11:30-13:10 - Where are you going?
Nadja Gaudillière-Jami, Technical University of Darmstadt
Introduction: On Models in Future Practice
Andreas Pilot, Technical University of Darmstadt
built together! digital models and teaching teamplay
Salome Schepers, ETH Zurich
Beth Hughes, Royal College of Art
Adrian Lahoud, Royal College of Art
Abstract - Set and Setting: Architecture and the Rehearsal of Sense
13:10-14:30 - Lunch Break
14:30-16:10 - What can you learn from me?
Christina Clausen, LOEWE Research Cluster „Architectures of Order“
Introduction: On Model Didactics
Kelly Joan Whitmer, Sewanee: The University of the South
Games, models and projects in pedagogical praxis, c. 1650 – 1750
Alberto Calderoni, University of Naples
What We Have Learned, so far
Holger Zaunstöck, Francke Foundations Halle
What am I, actually? The Model of the Halle Orphanage (1719/20)
16:30-17:00 - Conclusion and Closing Remarks
CONF: Are You a Model? (Darmstadt, 2-4 Nov 22). In:, Oct 21, 2022 (accessed Mar 13, 2025), <>.