Call for sessions at the 36th Congress of the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA), Lyon 2024.
"Matter Materiality"
The Comité français d’histoire de l’art (CFHA), the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) and the Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA) are thrilled to invite to the 36th Congress of the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art in Lyon in 2024 around the theme Matter Materiality.
The CIHA congress gathers every four years researchers from all over the world around a strong theme of the field of art history. The congress is open to advanced and junior scholars of all professional backgrounds. It offers a unique experience of sharing with the international scientific community.
The 36th Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) Congress will take place in Lyon from 23 to 28 June 2024 on the theme of Matter Materiality.
Matter and materiality are inherent to the conception, production, and interpretation of artifacts in all cultures across all periods of time. In recent decades these notions have given rise to theoretical reflections, including a rethinking of the hylemorphic model (form/matter opposition). A world is open to us in which matter is no longer fixed and inert but in motion, in the grip of infinite transformations, a world of flux (G. Deleuze, T. Ingold), where vital matter is endowed with agency (J. Bennett).
Materiality, resulting from the effect produced by the properties of matter, is grasped within environments and contexts of reception that are also changing and have nothing fixed or definitive. These properties are manifested through the effects of textures, surfaces, weight, extension in space, format, gestural traces, and material effects... The concept of materiality therefore refers to the fact that the artifacts are composed of materials and, at a theoretical level, to all the processes — technical, cultural and social — that undergird the realization and the material perception of works of art.
It is in this spirit that the theme chosen for the 36th CIHA congress is intended. This theme thus provides an opportunity for fruitful intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue on questions that promote a transversal perspective at the intersection of approaches and methodologies.
It will offer a unique experience of sharing and exchange to the international community of art historians from all professional backgrounds..
The call for sessions is open until 25 November 2022.
The organizers look forward to receiving your proposals for the session call and to meeting you in Lyon !
To read the full text of the call for sessions and to submit your proposals:
For more information on the congress:
CFP: CIHA 2024: Matter Materiality (Lyon, 23-26 Jun 24). In:, Sep 25, 2022 (accessed Mar 13, 2025), <>.