CFP 03.12.2021

Romantic Transformations of the Renaissance (Loveno di Menaggio, Nov 23)

Villa Vigoni: German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue
Eingabeschluss : 15.12.2021

Dr. Ulf Dingerdissen

Romantic Transformations of the Renaissance: Art, Literature, Knowledge

On behalf of the "International Novalis Society", Prof Nicholas Saul (University of Durham), Dr Gabriella Catalano (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata) and Dr Ulf Dingerdissen (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) are submitting an application for an interdisciplinary conference "Romantic Transformations of the Renaissance: Art, Literature, Knowledge" to the German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue at the Villa Vigoni, to be held in November 2023 (languages: English, German, Italian):

Around 1800, paradigmatic shifts occur in the epistemic structures of cultural investigation which in the sense of an "époque de longue durée" still today constitute the horizon and basis for the perception and interpretation of our own time. The same is true for the epistemic gaze around 1800. It too is characterised by transformative engagement with historically distant times, in particular the Renaissance. Specifically Romantic models of knowledge and language are crystallised in reflective and creative engagement with the Renaissance world. But this is not the sole analogy between the Romanticism and the Renaissance. Jakob Burkhardt’s notion of ‘intellectual dynamism’ (‘das Geistig-Bewegte’) as the key characteristic of Italian Renaissance art is taken up and further developed around 1800. The self-conscious remaking of the individual world, which characterises both epochs, marks "both" as foundations of modernity and models of its world-view. This recognises too their identity as phases of transition, as creative assimilations of the work of earlier epochs which realise their own world-view and view of art. Furthermore, both these epochs of transition, the Renaissance and Romanticism, locate their model of modernity in perspectives on classical antiquity. Both engage with antiquity in a process of transformation. New sites of mediation and new forms of communication generate cultural transfer, classical texts are re-read and traditional modes of communication – dialogue – are reinvented.

Against this background our conference will explore how received historiography has hitherto reconstructed such trans-epochal processes of innovation around the turn of the C18/C19 from the perspective of the present, in European cultures: the dynamics of historical shifts, their scientific paradigms, aesthetic and epistemic formulations. Instantiations of cultural change such as ‘The Renaissance’ and ‘Romanticism’ can be described not alone from the standpoint of their beginning and end, but also as transformations, process. The cognitive interest of this juxtaposition of historicistic and contemporary consciousness is to understand such transformations not as a linear gradation of singular states, but rather in their reciprocal relation. Major vectors are the arts, literature and philosophy, also social and natural sciences.

Possible themes:
- cultural transfer
- revival of classical antiquity
- development and deployment of new media
- aesthetic autonomy, view of the artist, aesthetic education
- strategies of knowledge acquisition
- aesthetic paradigms
- interactions of aesthetic and natural-scientific world-views
- intermedial dialogue
- forms and strategies of communication
- history of translation and editing
- shifts in political and religious ideas and relations

The conference is aimed emphatically at younger colleagues (ECRs and doctoral students) with a special interest in international dimensions of the era around 1800.

Interested persons should address any queries and send brief exposés (c.150 words) by the middle of December 2021 to:

CFP: Romantic Transformations of the Renaissance (Loveno di Menaggio, Nov 23). In:, 03.12.2021. Letzter Zugriff 17.05.2024. <>.
