CFP 10.11.2021

Artistic Research (Freiburg i.Br., 7-10 Jun 22)

Freiburg im Breisgau, 07.–10.06.2022
Eingabeschluss : 31.01.2022

Sophie Lembcke

Artistic Research: Entangling Epistemologies between Arts and Academia

We are glad to announce that the Workgroup "Artistic Research" based at BIGSAS Bayreuth is hosting a panel at the VAD conference 2022 in Freiburg on "Artistic Research: Entangling Epistemologies between Arts and Academia" within the conference's stream „Linguistic and visual (de)colonialisms". The conference is organized by the Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT), and puts "Africa and Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives" at its center and will address processes of co-producing knowledge as well as a mutual questioning of different ways of thinking.

Based on the premise that knowledge is neither universal nor single, artistic research bridges the gap between arts and science. It articulates different modes of relating, reflecting and representing in order to reconfigure epistemological hierarchies and contribute to visual decolonialisms. This panel welcomes artists and researchers engaging with artistic practices which contribute valuable knowledge to pressing matters or envisage societal transformation.

We specifically invite contributors who connect Europe, Africa and its diasporas, translate pasts into futures, and deal with the following topics:

- Artistic research as agent of change and social transformation
- Art production as collaborative and decolonial research
- Entangling epistemologies within artistic co-production of knowledge

The panelists will give insights into idiosyncratic and creative ways of activating and translating bodily, tacit and habitual knowledges, which are generally overlooked by academic approaches. By discussing the potentialities and limitations of artistic research methodologies, the panel will enrich the debate on the situatedness of knowledge and everyday racism in societies marked by colonization and enslavement.

Panel convenors: Valerie Gruber, Sophie Lembcke, Dandara Maia

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via

CFP: Artistic Research (Freiburg i.Br., 7-10 Jun 22). In:, 10.11.2021. Letzter Zugriff 13.01.2025. <>.
