CFP Jul 14, 2008

Landscape - Great Idea! (Vienna, 29-30 Apr 09)

Lilli Licka

Landscape - Great Idea!

Landscape - Great Idea!

The ILA Institute of Landscape Architecture at the Austrian University
of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences is happy to announce its
3rd international Conference on Landscape Architecture:

Landscape - Great Idea!
X-LArch III 2009

April 29 - 30, 2009
Vienna, Austria

Study Tours offered on May 1st , 2009
Key-note speakers:
Marc Treib (Professor of Architecture, University of California,
Berkeley, USA)
Helen Armstrong (Professor-Emeritus of Landscape Architecture,
Queensland, University of Technology; Adjunct-Professor, Centre for
Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney, AUS)

Conference topics: changing landscape uses, urban landscapes, landscape
architecture and the design of the public realm, sustainability,
migration, history of landscape, community development

In the year of 2008, 50% of the people worldwide are living in cities,
and this number is yet to increase. Globally the structures of
landscapes and settlements are converging - resulting in
undistinguishable types of urbanity. This has given rise to the
prominence of 'landscape' in the search for sustainable development.

The production of landscape has always been based on a construct of
ideas. As ideas shift along societal changes, the meaning of landscape
is subject to constant mutation. Designed and built landscapes function
as a catalogue of interpretations of nature, of society, of economics,
of cultures.

What role can landscape play to restructure our decision and
design-processes, our environment and our perception?

The conference wants to foster exchange and debate among researchers
from across Europe and beyond. It provides a forum for cross-national
and cross-disciplinary debate on the future of urbanity and landscape
and acts as a bridge between research and practitioners.

Call for Papers:
The conference LANDSCAPE - GREAT IDEA! is looking for research outcomes
on the ideas behind landscapes and landscape architecture. Which is the
background for the hype of landscape in a wide range of disciplines? Can
landscape work as an instrument, as an example and if so, how?

The conference addresses all disciplines dealing with spatial and
societal phenomena of landscape. We welcome scholars from diverse
disciplines as well as practitioners: landscape architects, artists,
geographers, architects, urbanists, sociologists and others.

A detailed call for papers will be published on the conference website
on September 8th.

The on-line registration form will be available from September 8th,

Conference Organisers
The conference is organized by ILA Institute of Landscape Architecture
at the Austrian
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna and
ÖGLA Österreichische Gesellschaft für Landschaftsplanung und
Landschaftsarchitektur, the Austrian Society for Landscape Planning and
Landscape Architecture.

Key dates:
Launch of First Information
Launch of Call for Papers
Submission of Abstracts
Acceptance Notification
Submission of full papers for review
Final submission of full papers for publication

Programme Outline
April 29, 2009 (Wednesday)
Opening Lecture Marc Treib
Parallel Sessions
April 30, 2009 (Thursday)
Parallel Sessions
Closing Lecture Helen Armstrong
May 1, 2009 (Friday, national holiday)
Study Tours

Registration Fees
Before 12.12.2008: Euro 300.- (Students Euro 100.-)
After 12.12.2008: Euro 350.- (Students Euro 150.-)


Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur, Leitung: Univ. Prof. Lilli Licka
Department für Raum, Landschaft & Infrastruktur
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Institute of LandscapeArchitecture, Head: Prof. Lilli Licka
Department of Landscape, Spatial and Transport Sciences
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna

Oscar-Simony-Haus, A-1180 Wien, Peter-Jordan-Straße 65
Postadresse: A-1190 Wien, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82

tel ++43 - 1 - 47654 - 7220
fax ++43 - 1 - 47654 - 7229

CFP: Landscape - Great Idea! (Vienna, 29-30 Apr 09). In:, Jul 14, 2008 (accessed Jan 28, 2025), <>.
