Feminism meets the Big Exhibition: 2005 onwards.
Panel chair: Hilary Robinson.
Recent years have witnessed significant development globally in relationships between feminist art practices, curatorial practices, and the museum: the feminist blockbuster exhibition, including: Tokyo 2005; Bilbao 2007; LA 2007; NY 2007; Paris 2009; Arnhem 2009; Vienna/Warsaw 2009; Rome 2010; Reykjavik 2010. Individually seamless, as a group they demonstrate highly diverse sets of politics, positions, and histories. Attention to the moment is crucial to understand what the global impulse is, to resist future closures, and to welcome the next iteration of feminism in the art world. Panelists will address this moment deeply through papers teasing out the feminsims informing - and created by - particular exhibitions. While contrasts between exhibitions may help illuminate points made, each paper should focus upon one exhibition and move beyond being reviews. Questions may include, inter alia: why they came about; curatorial aims; what feminist thinking they produced; tensions between art works, catalogues and exhibitions; and how particular works change in meaning in the context of the exhibitions.
The full CFP, including the required proposal form, can be downloaded here: http://www.collegeart.org/proposals/2013callforparticipation
The proposal should be sent to the panel chair, Hilary Robinson, School of Art, Carnegie Mellon University hrcmu.edu by May 4th, to whom any initial inquiries may also be directed.
CFP: Feminism meets the Big Exhibition: 2005 onwards (CAA, 13-16 Feb 2013). In: ArtHist.net, Apr 7, 2012 (accessed Mar 13, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/3019>.