Popular Art, Architecture and Design Call for Papers
Derham Groves and I invite interested persons to submit a proposal to the
2008 National Pop/Am Culture Association Annual Conference at the San
Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA, March 19-22, 2008.
Popular Art, Architecture and Design is concerned with the aesthetics of
popular material culture in the everyday world of the past, present and
future. Scholars from such disciplines as Architecture, Art History, Fine
Art, Industrial Design, and Interior Design are invited to submit proposals.
At previous conferences topics have included Good Sports, Model Women,
Shopping Malls, Bodies of Work, Mass Media, Place & Identity, Household
Myths & Mysteries and many, many more. It is truly a broad arena! Popular
Art, Architecture and Design papers may be published in an e-zine after the
conference. Please e-mail a cover letter with contact information and
150-word abstract of your proposed paper to
Dr. Loretta Lorance at <lloranceearthlink.net>
Dr. Derham Groves at <derhamunimelb.edu.au>
The deadline for abstracts is November 15, 2007.
Registration fees apply.
For information about the Popular Culture/American Culture Association,
please go to:
Apologies for cross-postings
Loretta Lorance
Proud Supporter of Aiko & Saachi in 2008
CFP: Popular Art, Architecture & Design (San Francisco, 19-22 Mar 08). In: ArtHist.net, Aug 6, 2007 (accessed Mar 15, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/29534>.