ANN Jun 7, 2007

H-Southern-Lit: H-Net Network on US Southern Literature

Matthew Gilmore

ANNOUNCING: H-Southern-Lit: H-Net Network on United States Southern

Member of: H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online

[Corrected subscription information:
sub H-Southern-Lit firstname lastname, institution

On the heels of the very successful launches of H-Memory and H-Human-Rights,
H-Net proudly announces its newest addition, in cooperation with the Society
for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL).

H-Southern-Lit promotes the study and discussion of U.S. southern literature
by scholars, teachers, researchers, and other interested parties. In
particular, H-Southern-Lit is conceived as a forum for the study and
discussion of U.S. southern literature around the world. H-Southern-Lit also
supports the exchange of ideas and information between scholars in U.S.
southern literary studies and related fields--and on related H-Net networks.
Finally, H-Southern-Lit disseminates information about its sponsoring
organizaton, the Society for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL), to
both SSSL members and non-members. It is a network developed in conjunction
with the Society for the Study of Southern Literature although it is open
for all to join.

Check out the resources list at:
Suggestions for additions are welcome--please email the editors.

The goals of H-Net lists are to enable scholars to easily communicate
current research and teaching interests; to discuss new approaches, methods
and tools of analysis; to share information on electronic databases; and to
test new ideas and share comments on the literature in their fields. All
network messages are permanently archived and searchable.

Like all H-Net lists, H-SouthernLit is moderated to edit out material that,
in the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, involves technical
matters (such as subscription management requests), is inflammatory, or
violates the evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. H-Net's
procedure for resolving disputes over list editorial practices is Article
II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located at: Logs and more information can also be
located at:

Lead Editor: Martyn R. Bone

Dr. Annette Trefzer,, Assistant Professor of English,
University of Mississippi

Dr. Melanie R. Benson,, Assistant Professor of English,
University of Hartford

Advisory Board members:
Leigh Anne Duck,, Associate Professor of English,
University of Memphis
Scott Romine,, Associate Professor of English and Director
of Undergraduate Studies, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Robert Phillips,, Professor Emeritus, Mississippi State
University, former editor of Mississippi Quarterly and former president of
the Society for the Study of Southern Literature
Ed Piacentino,, Professor of English, High Point
Sharon Monteith,, Professor, School of
American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, England
Jeff Abernathy,, Dean and Professor, Augustana

Sponsoring Organization: Society for the Study of Southern Literature
The mission of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature is
encapsulated in its name. We aim to promote reading, writing, and dialogue
about the literature of the American South and the cultures from which that
literature has sprung. We pursue our goals in a variety of ways, including
the sponsoring of conferences and other discussion forums, the publication
of scholarship, and the awarding of prizes for excellence in southern
literary study. Anyone interested in these goals is welcome to join the


To join H-SouthernLit, please send a message from the account where you wish
to receive mail, to:
(with no signatures or styled text,
word wrap off for long lines) and only this text:
sub H-Southern-Lit firstname lastname, institution

Example: sub H-Southern-Lit Leslie Jones, Pacific State U Alternatively, you
may go to <> to perform the same
function as noted above. Follow the instructions you receive by return mail.

If you Have questions or experience difficulties in attempting to subscribe,
please send a message to:

H-Net is an international network of scholars in the humanities and social
sciences that creates and coordinates electronic networks, using a variety
of media, and with a common objective of advancing humanities and social
science teaching and research. H-Net was created to provide a positive,
supportive, equalitarian environment for the friendly exchange of ideas and
scholarly resources, and is hosted by Michigan State University.

For more information about H-Net, write to
or point your web browser to: <>

Matthew Gilmore
H-Net Vice President, Networks
H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online

ANN: H-Southern-Lit: H-Net Network on US Southern Literature. In:, Jun 7, 2007 (accessed Mar 12, 2025), <>.
