Museum, Bibliothek, Stadtraum: Kontingenz und Kontrolle in räumlichen
Wissensordnungen 1600-1800
Museum, Library, Urban Space: Contingency and Control in Spatial
Arrangements of Knowledge 1600-1800
31.Mai - 02.Juni 2007
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6 / Hegelplatz 2
D-10099 Berlin
The conference attends to historical procedures of aesthetical
presentation and spatial ordering of knowledge. As performative
practices these procedures play a substantial part in the production and
reception of knowledge. In this respect, the libraries, cabinets of
curiosity, and laboratories as well as the urban topographies of early
modern times are paradigmatic. With those rooms and spaces the material
preconditions of knowledge and science in their interaction with
symbolic orders and imaginary processes also come to the fore. For it is
not only their architecture, which influences the diverse actions taking
place there such as arranging, depicting or representing objects of
knowledge, but also their medial fittings and apparatuses that actually
facilitate a specific interaction with the objects and exhibits.
Hence, the concrete rooms are at the same time contextual
frame of and intervening actor in the production and reception of
knowledge. In their materiality they impose their own conditions on the
abstract systems, on the basis of which the knowledge objects are
ideally classified and ordered. Correspondingly, there is an ongoing
conflict between the theoretical systems and the practical ordering of
the objects; especially because these systems--whether conceptual,
mathematical or geometrical in nature--tend to be decontextualized and
non-localizable and by means of this ostensible universal validity
suggest a possible control of knowledge.
At least two dynamical processes are thus set off in the
libraries, museums, and urban topographies. On the one hand their rooms
and spaces can become a disruptive factor of the ideal systems; for
instance if their material disposition forces a particular arrangement
of the objects, defines bounds, or directs attentiveness. On the other
hand they are productive in the sense that they transform existing
systems and in this way participate in the reorganization of knowledge.
From this point of view, space becomes a parameter of epistemological
processes and changes.
Donnerstag, 31.05.2007
Hörsaal 3075, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6
18.00: Robert Felfe und Kirsten Wagner: Kontingenz und Kontrolle in
räumlichen Wissensordnungen
18.30: Scott Mandelbrote (Cambridge): Forming a collection: Imagined
and real solutions to the problem of the spatial arrangement of
knowledge in early modern England
Freitag, 01.06.2007
Fritz-Reuter-Saal, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hegelplatz 2
9.15: Kirsten Wagner: Einführung
9.30: Ulrich Johannes Schneider (Leipzig): Die Geburt des Lesesaals
11.00: Regina Becker (Hamburg): ordinatio et dispositio: die Grundlagen
einer Architektonik für die Bibliotheca publica
13.30: Besichtigung der Bibliothek des Deutschen Bundestages
(Aufgrund der begrenzten Teilnehmerzahl ist eine schriftliche
Anmeldung für die Besichtigung der Bibliothek des Deutschen Bundestages
erforderlich. Anmeldungen bitte an:
15.30: Markus Krajewski (Weimar): Zwischen Häusern und Büchern. Die
Domestiken der Bibliotheken
17.00: Jan Lazardzig (Berlin): Labyrinth und Festung _ Zur
Architektonik des Wissens bei Johann Valentin Andreae
18.00: Tanja Michalsky (Berlin): Gewachsene Ordnung. Zur Chorographie
Neapels in der Frühen Neuzeit
Samstag, 02.06.2007
Fritz-Reuter-Saal, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hegelplatz 2
9.15: Robert Felfe: Einführung
9.30: Bettina Dietz (München): Die Ästhetik der Naturgeschichte. Das
Sammeln von Muscheln im Paris des 18. Jahrhunderts
10.30: Claudia Swan (Chicago): Of Gardens and other Natural History
Collections in Early Modern Holland: Modes of Display and Patterns of
12.00: Barbara Segelken (Bielefeld): Kammer, Kasten, Tafel - Ordnende
Räume in Museologie und Staatsbeschreibung
13.00: Karin Leonhard (Eichstätt): The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford -
Museum, Universität und Öffentlichkeit im 17. Jahrhundert
Sonderforschungsbereich der DFG 447
Kulturen des Performativen <>
Konzeption und Kontakt:
Robert Felfe
Kirsten Wagner
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kulturwissenschaftliches Seminar
Sophienstraße 22a
10178 Berlin
CONF: Museum, Library, Urban Space (Berlin, 31 May-02 Jun). In:, May 2, 2007 (accessed Mar 13, 2025), <>.