JOB Nov 27, 2006

History of medicine, Wellcome Trust Centre London (2 postitions)

Prof. Harold J. Cook

Two academic appointments in the History of Medicine

The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College
London seeks two full-time historians of medicine to complement the work of
current members of staff. Sub-field and rank open, but two strong
preferences have been identified:
1) an historian of the eighteenth century, and
2) an historian working on medicine and health in an area other than
Europe, China, or India, especially Islamic medicine since 1500, medicine in
Eastern Europe and Russia, or medicine in North America from an
international perspective.
Minimum requirements are a PhD in hand, and a track-record of publication in
the proposed field of research. Salary according to rank and
accomplishment, in the range from about £35,000 to £55,000.

Applications are due by 9 February 2007; they may be submitted
electronically or by post. It is anticipated that interviews will be
conducted during the last week in March. The successful candidates will be
expected to take up their duties in September. Please send a letter
outlining previous research and teaching and lines of future research,
together with a CV and the details of three persons who can be contacted for
letters of reference, to Harold J. Cook, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the
History of Medicine at UCL, 210 Euston Rd., London NW1 2BE, UK; or to For further information, please see; queries can also be directed
to <> .

(Submitted by Hal Cook,

JOB: History of medicine, Wellcome Trust Centre London (2 postitions). In:, Nov 27, 2006 (accessed Jan 2, 2025), <>.
