CFP Mar 3, 2012

Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide & Digital Humanities

Petra Chu

Call for Papers: Digital Humanities Research and Publication in NCAW

Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide has received a grant from the Mellon
Foundation for a three-year capacity-building initiative to maximize
the possibilities of the journal electronic delivery. With this in
mind, NCAW is soliciting potential articles that take full advantage of
new web technologies either in the research or the publication phase,
or both. The Mellon grant is intended to help authors in the
development phase of their articles as well as to aid NCAW in the
implementation phase. NCAW is seeking scholarship that engages in one
or more of the following, interrelated areas of investigation:

Data Mining and Analysis:
Use of data analytics programs (e.g., SEASR, Network Workbench) to
investigate connections among particular groups or individuals, such as
artists, writers, art dealers, art markets and other networks of
exchange (social networks)

See for example "Mapping the Republic of Letters," produced by
researchers and technologists at Stanford University:

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Mapping:
Use of maps in concert with data sets (e.g., depictions of sites,
location of objects, paths of travel) in order to investigate and
communicate change over time and space

The website for the project "Imago Urbis: Giuseppe Vasi's Grand Tour of
Rome" (, for example, links
Giambattista Nolli's 1748 map of Rome with vedute created by Vasi,
providing insight into the vedutismo tradition as well as the urban
development of Rome in the eighteenth century.

High-Resolution imaging and dynamic image presentation:
Use of panoramic and/or high-resolution imagery to view, for example,
panoramas, conservation images (x-ray, infrared reflectography), moving

The QTVR panoramas of world architecture produced by Columbia
are an example of the kind of image viewing interface that could be
used in support of scholarship on, for example, panorama paintings or
large-scale architectural installations

Authors are not expected to have extensive technical expertise
themselves; instead NCAW will work with them to help in realizing the
computing aspects of their project. Authors should, however, be
generally knowledgeable about the technological possibilities related
to their project and should be able to articulate how both specific
computer-based research methods and the online publication format
connect with the research questions on which their project focuses. In
addition, authors should expect to collaborate with technical experts
on the realization of their projects. To this end, proposals which give
some indication of how authors envision working with such experts, or
which identify specific collaborative partners will be preferred.
Finally, proposals should outline projects which are relatively
small-scale, able to be realized within a time span of about three to
six months and requiring around 100 hours of development work.

Interested contributors are asked to submit a 500-word abstract that
describes the author's (or authors') project and explains how it fits
within the areas described above and why advanced computing
technologies are necessary for conducting this research and/or for
presenting the resulting scholarship. In addition, they are asked to
provide a short CV and a budget. For further information or to submit
an application for funding, email to Petra Chu, petra.chu[at],
and Emily Pugh, emily[at]

CFP: Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide & Digital Humanities. In:, Mar 3, 2012 (accessed Feb 7, 2025), <>.
