ANN May 2, 2006

Chino Kaori Memorial Essay Prize, 2006

Toshio Watanabe

Chino Kaori Memorial Essay Prize, 2006
Deadlie: June 1, 2006

We are pleased to announce the fourth annual Chino Kaori Memorial Essay
Prize. The University of Hawai'i Press is graciously sponsoring this
prize with a gift of 400 dollars in books from their catalogue that will
be awarded to the prize recipient. The prize is administered by the Japan
Art History Forum (JAHF), which will also award the winner a
complimentary two-year JAHF membership. In addition, the prize recipient
will receive a copy of the most recently published annual "Chino Kaori
Memorial 'New Visions' Lecture," sponsored by the Center for the Study of
Women, Buddhism, and Cultural History and the Medieval Japanese Studies
Institute, Kyoto.

This is an annual competition, open to graduate students from any
university. The prize will be awarded to the best research paper written
in English on a Japanese Art History topic and submitted to the selection
committee by the deadline. Papers should be under 10,000 words (in Times
New Roman, 12 point, double spaced) and not previously published. The
selection committee will post an abstract of the winning paper on the
JAHF website.

The deadline for submission of papers is June 1, 2006.
The 2006 selection committee is Chelsea Foxwell (the elected JAHF
graduate student representative, Columbia University), Jonathan Reynolds
(University of Southern California), Gennifer Weisenfeld (Duke
University), Joshua Mostow (University of British Columbia), and Toshio
Watanabe (University of the Arts London).

Submissions should be made by email. Texts should be in Microsoft Word;
Illustrations should be in MS Power Point with individual illustration
images no larger than 75 dpi and the total Power Point file no larger
than 4 MB.
Submissions not complying with the specifications will not be accepted.
Please direct submissions and questions to

Toshio Watanabe
Japan Art History Forum

Professor Toshio Watanabe
Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN)
Chelsea College of Art and Design
16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU, UK
Tel: 020-7514 7770, Fax: 020-7514 7778
E-mail: (English)
E-mail: (Japanese)

ANN: Chino Kaori Memorial Essay Prize, 2006. In:, May 2, 2006 (accessed May 17, 2024), <>.
