CONF Jan 27, 2006

Renaissance and the Ottoman World (London,26-27 Apr 06)

Claire Norton


26-27 April 2006

Warburg Institute and School of Oriental and African Studies, London

Organised by Claire Norton (St. Mary's College, University of Surrey),
Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute) and Anna Contadini (SOAS), supported by
St. Mary's College, the British Academy, the Society for Renaissance
Studies, and the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.

This conference brings together an international group of eminent scholars
in order to present the latest research on the cultural, intellectual,
artistic and commercial interactions between Christian Europe and the
Ottoman Empire during the Renaissance. It has been timed to coincide with
the National Gallery's 2006 exhibition, Bellini and the East. For the first
day, which will emphasise interactions in the field of the humanities, the
Warburg Institute will be the host; on the second day, the conference will
transfer to the neighbouring School of Oriental and African Studies where
artistic relations will be considered. The individual papers will examine a
number of key aspects, including artistic, philosophical and scientific
exchanges; the reception and use of Ottoman artefacts in Europe; European
and Ottoman architecture; the extent of Western knowledge of Ottoman music;
and the experience of Christians in Islamic lands and Muslims in

Wednesday 26 April, Lecture Room, Warburg Institute

09.30-10.00 Registration

10.15-11.05 Keynote Address:
Palmira Brummett
The Lepanto Paradigm Revisited: Knowing the Ottomans in the Sixteenth

11.15-11.35 tea/coffee

11.35-12.05 Anna Akasoy
Mehmed II as a Patron of Greek Philosophy and Science: Eastern and Western

12.20-12.50 Asaph Ben Tov
Turco-Graecia: German Humanists and the End of Greek Antiquity. Cultural
Exchange and Misunderstanding

13.05-14.15 lunch

14.15-14.45 Margaret Meserve
Bastards and Pretenders: Italian Humanists on the Legitimacy of Ottoman
Imperial Claims

15.00-15.30 Zweder von Martels
Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini's Thoughts About the Turks

15.45-16.15 Noel Malcolm
Positive Views of Islam and of Ottoman Rule in the Sixteenth Century: The
Case of Jean Bodin

16.30-17.00 tea/coffee

17.00-17.30 Nabil Matar
Captives: the Muslim Narrative

17.45-18.15 Daniel Vitkus
Puny Protestants, Mighty Muslims: Anglo-Islamic Contact and Its
Representation in Elizabethan Culture

19.00-21.00 Visit to the National Gallery

Thursday 27 April,
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, School of Oriental and African Studies.

09.30-10.00 Registration

10.15-11.05 Keynote Address:
Gülru Necipoglu
The Italian Connection: Western Horizons of Mehmed II's Patronage of Art and

11.15-11.35 tea/coffee

11.35-12.05 Caroline Campbell
Venetian Ambassador in Damascus: Pietro Zen and Ottoman-Mamluk-Venetian

12.20-12.50 Michael Rogers
The Boston Scribe

13.05-14.15 lunch

14.15-14.45 Suraiya Faroqhi
Exporting Ottoman Textiles to European Countries

15.00-15.30 Anna Contadini
The Vogue for Ottoman Artefacts in Renaissance Italy

15.45-16.15 Alison Ohta
The Link between Mamluk, Ottoman and Renaissance Book Bindings

16.30-17.00 tea/coffee

17.00-17.30 Owen Wright
The Problem of Music

17.45-18.15 Alan Chong
The Body East and West: Mehmed II's Colored Italian Engravings

18.30-18.45 Concluding Remarks

18.45-20.15 reception at the Brunei Gallery (SOAS)

Registration fee: £50 for two days (concs. £30); £30 for one day (concs.
For further information go to St Mary¹s website
(, or
the SOAS website
To register and for further details please consult Claire Norton

CONF: Renaissance and the Ottoman World (London,26-27 Apr 06). In:, Jan 27, 2006 (accessed Mar 11, 2025), <>.
