CONF 06.06.2005

Arts & Genomics Centre - meeting (Amsterdam 24-25 Jun 05)

Ingeborg Reichle

Amsterdam 24.-25. June, 2005

The Arts & Genomics Centre - 'Expert meeting' and Public Launch

Friday 24th June, 2005

Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam

09:00-10:30 Session 1: PhD student Daniëlle Hofmans: The history of
interactions between art & genomics
with special comments by Joe Davis and Jens Hauser

10:30-11:00 ~ Break ~

11:00-12:30 Session 2: PhD student Jenny Boulboullé: The dissemination
of knowledge as a function of art
with special comments by Suzanne Anker and Jeffrey Wyckoff

12:30-13:30 ~ Lunch ~

13:30-15:00 Session 3: Miriam van Rijsingen: Signification and
Experiment in Art and Genomics
with special comments by Ingeborg Reichle and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

15:00-15:30 ~ Break ~

15:30-17:00 Session 4: Helen Chandler: Strategic Plan for The Arts and
Genomics Centre
with special comments by Ken Arnold

19:00 Dinner

The Arts & Genomics Centre, Public Launch

Saturday 25th June, 2005

Trippenhuis, KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam

10:30 Reception

11:00 Welcome and launch by the KNAW, Robert Zwijnenberg and Helen
Chandler from the Arts and Genomics Centre and special guest.

11:30 Session: BioArt: Medium meets Message
Featuring Jens Hauser, curator of "L'Art Biotech'" (Nantes, 2003),
Jeffrey Wyckoff, artist and Director of Intravital Imaging, Albert
Einstein College of Medicine, New York and Joe Davis, artist in
residence at MIT.

12:15 Discussion

12:30 ~ Lunch ~

13:30 Session: Contamination or Cross-fertilisation?: Artists in
Featuring Helen Chandler on the Arts and Genomics Centre’s plans for
an Artists in Labs programme, Huub de Groot of Leiden University’s
Faculty of Science on work at the NMR laboratory and Jill Scott on the
Swiss Artists in Labs experience.

14:00 Artist ‘speed-dating’: presentation of artists and their work and
appeals for collaborative opportunities

14:45 Discussion

15:00 ~ Break ~

15:30 Closing debate and discussion, hosted by Theater Adhoc,
featuring Jens Hauser, Miriam van Rijsingen and Ingeborg Reichle

17:00 ~ Close/Drinks ~

Please note: the language of the symposium is English.

Registration is required. Please contact:

Helen Chandler, Scientific Manager for The Arts and Genomics Centre:
The Arts and Genomics Centre
SILS, A1.15 Kruislaan 318, Postbus 94062, 1090GB Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20-525 7789
Fax: +31 (0)20-525 7934

CONF: Arts & Genomics Centre - meeting (Amsterdam 24-25 Jun 05). In:, 06.06.2005. Letzter Zugriff 19.10.2024. <>.
