CFP 28.05.2005

Perceptions of the Classics (St Andrews 31 Mar-1 Apr 06)

Lenia Kouneni

Call for Papers
The Legacy of Antiquity
Perceptions of the Classics throughout History
Friday 31st March- Saturday 1st April 2006
University of St Andrews, School of Art History

Deadline: 30th November 2005

Student Research Conference
Greco-Roman culture runs like a thread through European cultural
history. The classical world of the ancient Greeks and Romans continues
to exert a strong influence on us. The proposed conference aims to
explore how antiquity was perceived from the Middle Ages through the
contemporary period.

Call for Papers
Papers can relate to the uses of antiquity in literature, art or
history, the survival or revival of antiquity during the Middle Ages,
the Renaissance or the early modern period, or the transmission of
literary or artistic models. Possible areas of exploration are the
so-called 'Renovatio Litterarum', the history of the transmission of
classical texts, the interpretation of mythology and the metamorphoses
of the gods and heroes, the examination of archaeological sites and
their influence on the later world that discovered them, the role and
influence of the artist in the rediscovery and dissemination of material
remains of ancient world.
If you would like to offer a 25-minute paper, then please send a
sufficiently detailed outline (no more than an A4 page) to Lenia Kouneni
at the address below.
The papers will be published in the 2006 issue of Inferno, the
Postgraduate Journal of the School of Art History, University of St

Deadline for Call: 30th November 2005
Contact details:
Offers of Papers and Further Enquiries:
Lenia Kouneni,
9 The Scores, School of Art History, St Andrews KY16 9AR

CFP: Perceptions of the Classics (St Andrews 31 Mar-1 Apr 06). In:, 28.05.2005. Letzter Zugriff 20.09.2024. <>.
