Q Mar 4, 2004

Re: Q: Webresources for Medieval and Renaissance Prints (3 replies)

ArtHist Redaktion

Date 4 March 2004
Subject: Re: Q: Webresources for Medieval and Renaissance Prints

From: Sebastian Prangofer <sebastianpranghoferweb.de>
Date: 2 Mar 2004

Dear Editha Jacobs,

the following (mostly german) websites provide information on facsimiles
of early prints:

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 75 Early Prints

MARABU (= Mannheimer Reihe Altes Buch) provides selected prints and
manuscripts from the University-Library Mannheim

The Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel provides 344 digital facsimiles
of prints on early modern festival culture

The Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden publishes digital facsimiles of the
library of the humanist Albert Ritzaneus Hardenberg (1510-1574)

The University of Illinois is providing digital facsimiles of German
Emblem Books

I hope those links are helpful for you and your students.


Sebastian Pranghofer

From: Klaus Graf <klaus.grafgeschichte.uni-freiburg.de>
Date: 02 March 2004

A list of digitized German books from the 16th century (and
links to digitization projects) can be found at:


Digitized incunabula are listed in some messages of

A lot of incunabula illustrations (German prints):

List of rare books digitizations worldwide:

Best wishes
Klaus Graf

From: Kollmannbbf.dipf.de
Date: 3 March 2004

Dear Editha Jacobs,

there is a database on historical postcards and bookillustrations, Pictura
Paedagogica Online (http://www.bbf.dipf.de/virtuellesbildarchiv/index.htm).
At the moment the oldest entry dates from 1495 and most of the books were
published in Germany.
Unfortunately the menu is still just in German. But if you try the search
via time ("Zeitraeume") you can choose a decade you are interested in.
Another possibility is to look directly for books ("Buecher"). If you need
any help with the research don't hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,

Stefanie Kollmann


Q: Re: Q: Webresources for Medieval and Renaissance Prints (3 replies). In: ArtHist.net, Mar 4, 2004 (accessed Feb 10, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/26245>.
