CFP 07.10.2003

sculpture/city/architecture/museum (AAH, Nottingham, 1.-3.4.04)

AAH Annual Conference: Old/New?
University of Nottingham, 1 - 3 April 2004
The 30th AAH Annual Conference,'Old/New?' will be held at the University
of Nottingham from Thursday 1 April - Saturday 3 April 2004

Steven Gartside, Mancheser Metropolitan University.
Sam Gathercole, School of Architecture &
Building Engineering, University of Liverpool, Leverhulme Building,
Abercromby Square, Liverpool L69 3BX.
Tel: 0151 794 2623


The strand considers the inter-connections between architecture,
sculpture, the museum and the place of the city. The papers will focus
on the tensions that occur between the ideal and the real, between
theory and practice. The spectator in the city automatically visually
ranges over the forms and surfaces that are presented in the course of a
journey, as the spectator in the art museum visually ranges over the
objects on display. The strand explores ideas of context in relation to
architecture and sculpture.

Work is produced with a desire for response. This can occur as a
palpable reaction, or as something which slips easily into an
accumulated visual language. Often the institutional desire to order,
classify, document, isolate and control can have a deleterious effect on
both object and experience. There are, perhaps, interesting
possibilities in the consideration of the everyday processes of
encounter. What are the (dis-)connections with intention? What should be
the role of 'minor work'? What happens when categories such as
'architecture', 'sculpture' and 'theory' no longer seem to fit?

Papers must not exceed 30 minutes in delivery time. The deadline for
paper proposals is 1 November 2003. Please email or post your proposal
to the relevant session convenors. Include with your submission:

The title of your paper
Your full name and contact details
Your institutional affiliation (if you have one)
Your abstract of no more than 200 words

CFP: sculpture/city/architecture/museum (AAH, Nottingham, 1.-3.4.04). In:, 07.10.2003. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
