12th Gerson Lecture: Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel
On the 20th of November Professor Walter Gibson will give the 12th
Gerson lecture in the Aula of the University of Groningen, The
Netherlands. Professor Gibson is the author of several books and
numerous articles on Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel. The title of
his lecture will be: The Art of Laughter in the Age of Bosch and
Bruegel. The text, which will be published as volume 12 in the Gerson
Lectures series, will be available immediately after the lecture (ˆ
Preceding the Gerson lecture, there will be two additional lectures on
Bosch and Bruegel, both in Dutch. Matthijs Illsink (Ph.D. Cand.,
University of Nijmegen) will speak on Hieronymus Bosch and prints, ca.
1500 to 1700, and Professor Bart Ramakers (University of Groningen) will
speak on representations of farmers in 16th century painting and
All those interested are invited to attend the lectures. There is no
registration and no participation fee. Those who wish to order a lunch
should transfer ˆ 8,00 to the account of the Gerson Foundation (ING-bank
nr. Professor Gibson’s lecture will be followed by a
Times and places:
11.30-14.30: Singelzaal, Radesingel 6, Groningen:
11.30 – 12.30: Matthijs Illsink (Cand. Ph.D., University of Nijmegen):
Hieronymus Bosch in de prentkunst van de 16de tot de 18de eeuw
12.30 – 13.30: Lunch
13.30 – 14.30: Professor Bart Ramakers (University of Groningen):
Voorstellingen van boeren in de schilderkunst en het toneel van de
zestiende eeuw
16.30 – 17.30: Aula of the University of Groningen, Broerstaat 5
Professor Walter Gibson: The Art of Laughter in the Age of Bosch and
17.30: Reception
For more information, please contact Dr. Victor M. Schmidt
(V.M.Schmidtlet.rug.nl) or Dr. Jan L. de Jong (J.L.de.Jonglet.rug.nl)
Institute for the History of Art and Architecture,
Groningen University,
P.O. Box 716,
9700 AS Groningen,
The Netherlands,
tel. (+31) 50 - 3636091, fax: (+31) 50 - 3637362
CONF: Bosch and Bruegel (Groningen, 20.11.03). In: ArtHist.net, Oct 27, 2003 (accessed Mar 12, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/25934>.