Q Oct 8, 2003

Re: Q: Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Hands of the Artist

Maybe you should take a look at the Russian artist Alexej von Jawlenskij
(1867/Twer - 1941/Wiesbaden), but I'm not sure about the specifics of
his illness. The last years he was not able to handle the brush,
therefore he bound it up.

Dr. Gora Jain, Hamburg, Germany

The most notable example I can think of is Auguste Renoir. Eventually,
his hands became so crippled by the arthritis that he had to have the
brush tied between his fingers. (A few interesting references to it can
be found in his biography, written by Jean Renoir.)

Best regards,

Vesna Velkovrh Bukilica, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Q: Re: Q: Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Hands of the Artist. In: ArtHist.net, Oct 8, 2003 (accessed Jan 2, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/25909>.
