CFP Jan 19, 2012

Visual dialogues: South Africa in conversation (Pretoria, 5-7 Jul 12)

Pretoria (South Africa), Jul 5–07, 2012
Deadline: Jan 31, 2012

Bernadette Van Haute, University of South Africa

Visual dialogues: South Africa in conversation (Pretoria, 5-7 July 2012)

The South African Visual Arts Historians (SAVAH) Annual Conference, 5-7 July 2012

To be hosted by the Department of Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

Keynote speaker: NICOLAS BOURRIAUD (Art critic and curator, Paris)


“Visual dialogues: South Africa in conversation”

Following on the theme of ‘other views’ explored at the SAVAH/CIHA Colloquium in 2011, this conference aims to engage with the concept of dialogue embedded in visual art works. Visual dialogue involves different sorts of relationships and constitutes a shared communicative space. The visual is a field of investigation in which many disciplines converge, interact and enter into dialogue. Extending the invitation beyond South Africa to broaden the platform for conversation we call for papers that address any of the following topics:

1) The theory and critique of visual dialogue
2) Dialogue between past and present
3) Exchanges between centre and periphery
4) The dialogics of remembrance and reconciliation
5) Dialogue as empowerment: African continental voices
6) Negotiating cultural capital
7) The various dialogics of Nationalism
8) Dialogue between theory and practice (practice-led research)
9) Speaking to/from the archives
10) Spaces of dialogue
11) Discourses on audience participation and immersion
12) The dialogics of the social – art and social communication/transformation
13) Voices in participatory art practices (community-based and collaborative projects)
14) New dialogues in texting and coding

Submissions are invited from Visual Culture Studies, Cultural Studies, Cultural History, Art History, Tourism and Leisure Studies, Gender Studies, Film Studies, Visual Arts and Architecture, or any other fields that are involved with the interrogation of the themes indicated above.

Paper proposals should be between 200 and 300 words in length (Times New Roman, font 11, 1.5 spacing) and must include the title of your paper, your affiliation and contact details. Please send abstracts of proposed papers to Bernadette Van Haute at

Deadline for submission is January 31, 2012.

CFP: Visual dialogues: South Africa in conversation (Pretoria, 5-7 Jul 12). In:, Jan 19, 2012 (accessed Feb 24, 2025), <>.
