CFP 31.07.2002

Transformations in Politics, Culture and Society (Brussels, Belgium, 6.-8.12.02)


(Brussels, Belgium, 6.-8.12.02)
Date: 31/7/02


Transformations in Politics, Culture and Society
Location: Belgium
Call for Papers Deadline: 2002-09-06

Provided by H-Announce,

This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference seeks to
explore transformations in politics, culture, and society and
analyse the role of media in provoking, supporting and representing
such changes - for example, art and art history, cinema and film,
literature and poetry, music, newspapers, and television and radio.

Papers, presentations, and short surveys are invited on issues
related to any of the following themes:

dissolution, liberation, reconstruction; political, and economic rejuvenation
invasion, resistance, revolution
coalitions, governments, social reform, and the presentation of
political agendas
state control of media; political mass communication, election
campaigns, lobby groups; propaganda; fringe movements; pressure groups
the place of street drama, posters, graffiti
the importance of land; territory; boundaries; rural/urban; land
education, student rebellions, and the role of the intelligentsia
cultural revolutions: status of women, feminism, sexual freedom;
representations of gender, ethnicity, sexuality; pornography
exposure of labour issues; exposure of class issues
cultural difference and otherness; immigration and immigrants
international confrontation; the role and influence of the military
the impact of globalisation
third world issues; global responsibility; public awareness;
ecological issues
medical and social issues in film - for example, drugs, aids,
euthanasia role of religion and religious institutions
role and influence of the United States
influence of new technologies; multimedia industries, internet,
www, cyberspace
accessibility to data, information, knowledge; the fate of
intellectual property. Control of knowledge; anonymity; privacy
the role of the law and legal processes; regulation and
legislation; appeal systems
market economies; monopolies and mergers; control of multinationals

Papers will be considered on any related theme, writer, book or film.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 6th September 2002.
Full draft papers should be submitted by Friday 15th November 2002.

The conference is the first in a series of annual research projects,
run under the general banner "Probing the Boundaries". It aims to
create working 'encounter' groups between people of differing
perspectives, disciplines, professions, and contexts. The project is
to be supported by an e-mail discussion group, threaded forum board,
e-journal, and dedicated publication series.

Selected papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be
published in themed volumes.

The conference is organised by Inter-Disciplinary.Net and sponsored
by Learning Solutions. For further details and information, please
contact: Dr Rob Fisher, or see

Contact information:
Dr Rob Fisher

Call for Papers website:


CFP: Transformations in Politics, Culture and Society (Brussels, Belgium, 6.-8.12.02). In:, 31.07.2002. Letzter Zugriff 11.03.2025. <>.
