Q 11.10.2001

Character Development Programs and the Arts

Del Klaustermeier

Dear Listmembers,

I am interested in knowing the names of any colleges or universities that
integrate visual art images in their character development programs. I will
be using this information for my dissertation. Its title is still evolving,
but at this point it is "Visual Art Images and Character Development
Programs: A Descriptive Analysis of the Role of Visual Art Images in
Selected Character Development Programs in Higher Education".

Visual art images are here defined as: paintings, sculptures, drawings,
prints, installations, as well as art incorporating technology, like Viola

Character development programs are here defined as: planned, comprehensive,
and systematic courses of study designed to inculcate a higher education
institution's identified and defined core values through critical thinking
and analysis.

I would like to know what images are used and what core values are then
analyzed with them. Additional questions may be: Who selects the images? Are
art faculty members involved in teaching in a university's character
development program?

I am more than interested in any programs, also in Europe, at this point. I
had gathered the names of US schools from 'The Templeton Foundation's
Colleges that Encourage Character Development'. Submission to this
publication was voluntary, so I'm seeking to find those applicable programs
that were not submitted.

Best regards,

Del Klaustermeier
Assistant Professor of Art
Concordia University
7400 Augusta Street
River Forest, IL 60305

Q: Character Development Programs and the Arts. In: ArtHist.net, 11.10.2001. Letzter Zugriff 24.04.2024. <https://arthist.net/archive/24698>.
