Call for Papers:
"Europe and the World: United Europe Comes into its Own"
Sixth Graduate Student Conference organized by Georgetown students' BMW
Center for German and European Studies. The conference entitled "Europe and
the World: United Europe Comes into its Own" will be held March 22-23, 2002
at Georgetown University.
Encouraged to participate are Master's and Doctoral students in the
humanities and social sciences (History, Cultural Studies, Political
Science, Economics, Anthropology, International Relations, Language and
Literature), currently enrolled in degree granting programs.
We ask that all abstracts be postmarked or emailed by December 10, 2001.
Abstracts should be 300-500 words (1-1.5 pages). Please include a resume
with your submission. Successful applicants will be notified in early
January. Send submissions to:
Graduate Student Conference
BMW Center for German & European Studies
Intercultural Center 501
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057
CFP: Europe and the World, Grad. Stud. Conf., Washington DC March 22-23.2002. In:, Oct 30, 2001 (accessed Jan 21, 2025), <>.