TOC 29.11.2020

PhotoResearcher 34: In Focus: Photography in Romania

Caroline Fuchs, München

PhotoResearcher 34: In Focus: Photography in Romania

The area of expertise and research of most art photography historians stops at Vienna or – at best – Prague or Budapest. The Great History of Photography lacks information about the Eastern part of the continent where there were accomplished photographers to rival their Western colleagues.

Romania is a case in point; it is one of the countries about which little is known of the contribution it made to photography from the earliest days. In an attempt to redress the balance, this entire issue of PhotoResearcher is dedicated to the photography produced in Romania during the last one hundred and fifty years.

Guest Editor: Adrian-Silvan Ionescu


Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, Uwe Schögl: Editorial

Catalin I. Nicolae: Photography and Archaeology in Romania

Camelia Neagoe: Discovering South-Eastern Transylvania in a Late 19th Century Photo Collection

Adrian-Silvan Ionescu: E. O. Hoppé and Romania

Adriana Dumitran: Iosif Berman: The Fulfillment of a Photojournalist Career in Interwar Romania

Andrei Pandele: Photography in the 'Golden Age Ceausescu' (1965–1989)

Eugen Negrea: The Association of Photographer Artists of Romania 1956–2020

The PhotoResearcher is published by the European Society for the History of Photography (ESHPh).
For Information about the PhotoResearcher, including how to subscribe, please contact the:

European Society for the History of Photography
Komoediengasse 1/1/17
1020 Wien (Vienna)


TOC: PhotoResearcher 34: In Focus: Photography in Romania. In:, 29.11.2020. Letzter Zugriff 13.03.2025. <>.
