Centre for Chinese Visual Arts
The 13th Annual Conference
The World, Two Metres Away
08.45-9.00 Registration and Introduction from Professor Joshua Jiang, CCVA
PANEL ONE: Chinese International Relations and Covid-19
Chair: Professor Jonathan Harris, Birmingham City University.
09.20-09.40 Nixi Cura (SOAS, London) China Trade
09.40-10.00 Katie Hill (Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London) One Hundred Years of Solitude
10.00-10.20 Laura Leng (Academy of International Visual Arts, Shanghai) The World 10,000 Miles Away: studying art overseas in a post-Covid world
10.20-10.45 Panel discussion
- 10.45-11.00 Break -
PANEL TWO: Going Viral: Covid-19 and Virtual Performance
Chair: Dr. Jenifer Chao, De Montfort University
12.20-12.40 Ada Hao (University of Brighton) Shared absence: the awareness of glitch and the challenge of latency in the art of networked practice.
12.40-13.00 Ying Sun (Birmingham City University) ‘Cloud’ Square Dancing under the Influence of Covid-19 in China
13.00-13.30 Panel discussion
- 13.30-14.50 Lunch Break -
PANEL THREE: Covid-19, Surveillance and the State
Chair: TBC
15.10-15.30 Meiqin Wang (California State University) Pandemic, Censorship and Grassroots Visual Mobilisation
15.30-16.00 Panel discussion
10 November Tuesday
08.45-09.00 Registration and Introduction (Professor Joshua Jiang, CCVA)
PANEL FOUR: Penning a Pandemic: Lockdown Diaries and Post-Coronial Literature
Chair: Professor David Roberts, Birmingham City University
Yours the Slogans, Yours the Praise: (self-) narratives in China during the epidemic.
09.20-09.40 Stephanie Chow (Brown University/Peking University) The Artist’s Diary: from private diary to collective memory.
09.40-10.00 Yusi Liu (Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum) A Chinese Covid-19 Romance: feeling and living the virus.
10.00-10.20 Claire Chambers (University of York) Covid’s Metamorphoses and Post-Coronial Fiction
10.20-10.45 Panel discussion
- 10.45-11.00 Break -
- 12.00-13.00 Lunch Break -
PANEL FIVE: Covid-19 and Art Activisms
13.20-13.40 Hongwei Bao (University of Nottingham) Learn German in my Kitchen: Queer Diasporic Engagement with the pandemic discourse
13.40-14.00 Laia Anguix (Northumbria University) Street Art in Empty Streets: The significance of urban art and culture during a pandemic
14.00-14.20 Whiskey Chow (Royal College of Art) The “Queer Blue Sky”: WHAT CAN ART DO during and beyond the global crisis
14.20-14.50 Panel discussion
14.50-15.00 Closing Remarks and introduction to the Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art
Venue: Online zoom meeting with live streaming on Youtube.
- Zoom: Registration is compulsory and limited to 60 places, first come first served. Please kindly email lauren.waldenbcu.ac.uk with your position and affiliation (postgraduate students, emerging and established scholars all most welcome)
- Youtube live-streaming link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFhISVpn3_iQSeJeU7u8c4Q
CONF: CCVA 13: The World, Two Metres Away (9-10 Nov 20). In: ArtHist.net, 17.10.2020. Letzter Zugriff 31.03.2025. <https://arthist.net/archive/23738>.