CFP 22.06.2020

Personalia 2021 (Sofia, 16-18 Apr 21)

Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 16.–18.04.2021
Eingabeschluss : 01.09.2020

Anna Shoyleva

Personalia - International Conference


After holding successfully the 2018 Marginalia International Conference, the Institute of Art Studies, BAS, is now putting forth a proposal for a 2021 Personalia event, where ‘personalia’ means not only information about the life and oeuvre of an artist (painter, sculptor, woodcarver, jeweller, architect, master builder, illuminator, man of letters, musician, etc.), but also a number of other relevant aspects associated with a wide range of meanings applied to the term as follows:

• The role a personality plays in art processes;
• The personality-art-ideology relationship;
• Man in art: portraits and self-portraits;
• Issues of authorship/attribution;
• Visualisation and versions of literary characters;
• Unknown facts about artists’ personal lives;
• Inspirers, patrons, opponents of artists;
• Principles of association of and/or competition among artists;
• Master-apprentice/apprentice-master relationships: aspects of imparting knowledge and passing on experience in art, etc.

Moreover, participants may explore philosophical ideas that have gained currency in arts; variations in the treatment of a character within a certain style and/or depending on the specifics of an artist; the origins and significance of recurrent scenes, images and motifs, inspired by artist’s personal experience.

Scholars working on similar themes in areas other than art history are also eligible to apply. Young researchers, postdocs and doctoral students shall not be less than 10% of the participants. The working languages of the conference shall be English and Bulgarian; the conference proceedings will be published as a book, including also papers in French and German.

The organisers will apply for funding in 2020. Perhaps limited accommodations will be provided for some of the participants. Abstracts of 300 to 500 words, together with an accompanying short CV, should be submitted by all applicants to, as necessary to apply for funding.

International Organising Committee (in alphabetical order)
Andrea Babuin
Emmanuel Moutafov
Konstantinos Giakoumis
Nenad Makulijevic
Vincent Debiais

Important Dates
1 September 2020: Deadline for submission of proposals and CVs;
15 October 2020: Notification of applicants on the outcome of their proposals;
1 March 2021: Final deadline for the conference programme.

CFP: Personalia 2021 (Sofia, 16-18 Apr 21). In:, 22.06.2020. Letzter Zugriff 19.09.2024. <>.
