The two-day workshop "The Luxembourgs in Late Medieval Europe: Old Topics, New Perspectives" is being organized as a collaboration between the Centre for Medieval Studies in Prague (Pavel Soukup, Václav Žůrek), Ingrid Ciulisová (Marie Curie-Skłodowska Fellow in the Department of Art History, Oxford), and the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant-funded MALMECC project at Oxford (PI Karl Kügle, Musicology, Oxford and Utrecht). It takes place at the Centre for Medieval Studies in Prague and is going to host a dozen speakers from universities across Europe. The workshop is held under the auspices of H.E. Mr. Gérard Philipps, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Day 1 - 26th March
14.15 Opening Remarks: The Ambassador of Luxembourg, Gérard Philipps; Karl Kügle (Oxford); Pavel Soukup (Prague).
Session 1
14.30–16.30 Prague as a multicultural city: The Luxembourg court and its cultural reflections, c. 1350 and beyond
Chair – Natalia Nowakowska
14.30 Martin Bauch (Leipzig): Objects, space and sound in Luxembourg Prague and beyond: the court of Charles IV as a European hub
15.00 Alexandra Urban (Munich): The literary depiction of Charles IV as homo novus in Heinrich von Mügeln's Der meide kranz
15.30–16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 Matouš Jaluška (Prague): Foundational sin - imperfect community in the Chronicle of ´Dalimil´
19.30 Conference Dinner
Day 2 - 27th March
9.00 – 9.15 Arrival
Session 2
9.15 – 10.45 John the Blind and his progeny in France
Chair – Karl Kügle
9.15 Uri Similansky (Oxford): Seeing without reading? Consuming luxury books in the mid-14th century
9.45 Jana Fantysová-Matějková (Prague): Guillaume de Machaut at the court of John the Blind: the functions of the cleric-poet
10.15 Lenka Panušková (Prague): Was the anonymous Master of Vyšší Brod a Frenchman? Contacts between the Bohemian and the French royal courts in the 14th century
10.45–11.15 Coffee Break
Session 3
11.15 - 12.45 Marvellous objects and textual production at the court of Charles IV
Chair – Pavel Soukup
11.15 Karl Kirchweger (Vienna): The crown of the Holy Roman Empire and the Luxembourg dynasty
11.45 Ingrid Ciulisová (Oxford): Charles IV of Luxembourg and his reliquary cross
12.15 Václav Žůrek (Prague): Charles IV and the patronage of multilingual literature at his court and beyond
12.45-14.15 Lunch Break
Session 4
14.15 – 16.45 Wenceslas and Sigismund: Art, diplomacy and politics
Chair – Ingrid Ciulisová
14.15 Maria Theisen (Vienna): The making of the Wenceslas Bible
14.45 Ondřej Schmidt (Brno): Wenceslas IV, Sigismund of Luxembourg and Italian ambassadors: some considerations on diplomatic correspondence
15.45 Natalia Nowakowska (Oxford): Luxembourgs and Jagiellonians - bitter conflict, warm memories and blurred identities (14th-16th centuries)
16.45 Final Discussion and Closing Remarks
CONF: The Luxembourgs in Late Medieval Europe (Prague, 26-27 Mar 20). In:, 11.02.2020. Letzter Zugriff 12.03.2025. <>.