CFP 21.10.2019

8th Global Forum of Critical Studies (Venice, 24-25 Jan 20)

Venice, Italy, 24.–25.01.2020
Eingabeschluss : 05.12.2019

Dorian Isone

Section on Art History, Literature, Film and Performance Studies

As part of
The 8th Global Forum of Critical Studies
"Asking Big Questions Again"

The 8th Euroacademia Global Forum of Critical Studies aims to bring into an open floor the reflexive and questioning interaction among academics, intellectuals, practitioners and activists profoundly concerned with evaluative understandings of the world we’re living in. The focus of the forum is to initiate an arena where no question is misplaced and irrelevant as long as we acknowledge that evaluation, critical thinking and contestation are accessible trajectories to better understand our past, present and alternative scenarios for the future.

When it’s about critical thinking and critical studies there is intrinsically an unending open list of topics to be included.
The 8th Euroacademia Forum on Critical Studies proposes the 5 sections (that are by no means exclusive):
Theory/Philosophy/Politics/Cultural Studies/Political Economy/Arts, Literature, Film and Performance Studies

Call for the Section on Arts, Literature, Film and Performance Studies

In the section on Art History, Literature, File and Performing Studies, we still welcome papers as part of the following panels:
- Art History and Identity Making Practices
- Art as Cultural Diplomacy
- Performing Identity in Theater, Literature and Performing Arts
- Sequential Art: Comics as a Cultural Nexus
- Identity and the City: Critical Urban Studies

The description of the panels can be accessed on the conference website
Presentations on the following topics (and not only) are welcome:

The Critical Potential of Arts - Aesthetics and Criticism - Arts, History and Critical Social Imaginary - The Politics of Social Representations - Art as an Exchange Value - Originality and Complacency - Literatures and Authors - Heroes and Heroines in Electronic Literature - Fiction and the Fictionalization of the Contemporary World - Film and the Persisting Hunger for Heroic Imagination - The Visual Turn - Facing the Post-Self in Critical Art- Communication, Media and Simulacrum - Art and Social Criticism - Art and Protest - Social Art - Critical Performances - Performing Identities - Queer Art and Gendered Representations - Performances and Violence - Engaging Critical Audiences - Exhibitions and Critical Art - Film as a Critical Art

For complete information before applying see full details of the conference at:

You can apply on-line by completing the Application Form on the conference website or by sending a 300 words titled abstract together with the details of contact and affiliation until 5th of December 2019 at

CFP: 8th Global Forum of Critical Studies (Venice, 24-25 Jan 20). In:, 21.10.2019. Letzter Zugriff 19.09.2024. <>.
