CFP 02.11.2011

La miniature en Europe (Paris, 11-12 Oct 2012)

Paris, Institut de France, Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca, 11.–12.10.2012
Eingabeschluss : 01.12.2011

Nathalie Lemoine-Bouchard


Appel à contribution pour le 2e colloque international "La miniature en Europe", Paris, 11-12 octobre 2012, Institut de France, Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca

Papers : study of unpublished miniature collections, monographies of artists active 17-19th Centuries, technique and context of miniature painting.

Deadline : 1 December 2011.
Proposals: 200 - 400 mots/words
Paper : 20 - 30 minutes
Langue/Language : French or English
Contact organisateur : Dr Nathalie Lemoine-Bouchard :

With once again the support of Institut de France, the 2nd International Symposium wishes to motivate research on 17-19th Centuries miniature painting in France and in Europe. Curators, researchers and PhD level students are invited to concentrate on first class artists that have not been studied so far, unpublished collections of miniature, on relations between miniature painting and the other artistic expressions.

Five years after the first International Symposium in Chantilly, - Actes published by Institut de France -, the Second Symposium wishes to stimulate research in this field in France and in Europe. Researchers are invited to open the chapter “Miniature” when they study the work of 17-19th Centuries painters.
The 2012 edition will focus on research on monographies of first class miniature painters, -many have never been properly studied so far - , on relationships between the different artistics forms, graphic arts, arts of fire (enamel, porcelain), decorative arts (goldsmith’s trade, fans...).
The use of miniature as a mean of propaganda also invits to study the role of small portraits in the edification of the public image of sovereigns and personnalities.
The 2nd Intl Symposium La miniature en Europe will be organised during two days on the same modele as the first one in 2007: studies of unpublished collections / monographies of miniature painters / technical aspects and context of miniature painting, with a maximum 20 contributions. Each contribution: 25 minutes; languages:French or English
The definitive programm will be posted in December 2011. Parrallele to the Symposium, one or two interesting visits will be organised...
Because of budget restrictions, transportation and accomodation will not be taken in charge. Contributors are invited to budget ther trip with their institutions.
Coordination: Dr Nathalie Lemoine-Bouchard
Centre de recherche sur la miniature et l'iconographie française
(réseau indépendant de chercheurs)
13 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris
Contact :

CFP: La miniature en Europe (Paris, 11-12 Oct 2012). In:, 02.11.2011. Letzter Zugriff 27.09.2024. <>.
