CONF 20.05.2019

Rembrandt: Thinking on Paper (London, 24 Jun 19)

Warburg Institute, London, 24.06.2019

Olenka Horbatsch, British Museum

In conjunction with the exhibition 'Rembrandt thinking on paper' (British Museum: Gallery 90, 7 February – 4 August 2019), this study day at the Warburg Institute is an in-depth exploration and re-evaluation of Rembrandt’s graphic oeuvre, intended for graduate students, post-graduate researchers, curators and museum professionals. The morning programme comprises six lectures pertaining to questions of production, collecting, reception, cataloguing and connoisseurship of Rembrandt’s prints and drawings.


9:00-9:15 Introduction and welcome

9:15-10:00 Erik Hinterding (Rijksmuseum)‘Compiling a New Hollstein catalogue on Rembrandt’s prints: challenges, pitfalls and discoveries’

10:00-10:30 An Van Camp (Ashmolean Museum) ‘The Working Methods of the Young Rembrandt’

10:30-11:00 Rob Fucci (University of Amsterdam) ‘Rarity on Command: Rembrandtand the Print Connoisseurs of Amsterdam

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-11:45 Christian Tico Seifert (National Galleries of Scotland) ‘Seeing Red: Rare Rembrandt Etchings Printed in Red Ink’

11:45-12:15 Stephanie Dickey (Queen’s University)‘Portrait Prints of the 1650s: Rembrandt and his Rivals’

12:15-13:15 Martin Royalton-Kisch (British Museum) ‘Rembrandt and the Crying Boy: a Question of Method’

13:15-13:30 Concluding discussion

For further details and registration please visit:

CONF: Rembrandt: Thinking on Paper (London, 24 Jun 19). In:, 20.05.2019. Letzter Zugriff 02.02.2025. <>.
