TOC 16.05.2019

Artls Bulletin vol. 8,1

Catherine Dossin, Purdue University

Artls Bulletin vol. 8, issue 1 (Spring 2019).

Women Artists Shows.Salons.Societies (1870s-1970s)
Edited by Hanna Alkema and Catherine Dossin

Women Artists Shows·Salons·Societies: Towards a Global History of All-Women Exhibitions
Hanna Alkema and Catherine Dossin

Autour de Frances Benjamin Johnston, Gertrude Käsebier et Catharine Weed Barnes Ward : stratégies séparatistes dans l’exposition des femmes photographes américaines au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles
Thomas Galifot

L’Esposizione internazionale femminile di Belle Arti (Torino, 1910-1911; 1913). Note su genere, arte e professione in Italia all’inizio del XX secolo
Francesca Lombardi

Les Polonaises s’organisent : les premières expositions de femmes artistes polonaises à l’orée du XXe siècle
Ewa Bobrowska

Le Cercle des femmes peintres de Bruxelles : un collectif, quatre expositions (1888-1893)
Denis Laoureux

“Non più Cenerentole!” – The Società delle Artiste at the 1906 Mostra Nazionale di Belle Arti in Milan
Chiara Iorino

The Exhibition of Former Students of the Elise von Jung-Stilling Drawing School in Riga in 1904
Baiba Vanaga

Women Artists to Victims of War – The First Exhibition of the Moscow Union of Women Painters and its Reception by the Contemporary Press
Natalia Budanova

Actividades femeninas: Women’s Collective Exhibitions in Chile between 1914 and 1939
Gloria Cortés Aliaga

An Exhibition of One’s Own: the Salón Femenino de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires, 1930s-1940s)
Georgina G. Gluzman

The Exhibitions of the Femmes Artistes Modernes (FAM), Paris, 1931-38
Paula J. Birnbaum

The Women’s Art Club and Women’s Group Exhibitions in Zagreb from 1928 until 1940
Darija Alujević and Dunja Nekić

Women Artists’ Salon of Chicago (1937-1953): Cultivating Careers and Art Collectors
Joanna Gardner-Huggett

Α “Guarantee of Clustered Energy and Collective Promotion”: The Association of Greek Women Artists and its Exhibitions in the 1950s and 1960s
Glafki Gotsi

The Exhibition Contribuição da mulher às artes plásticas no país and the Silence of Brazilian Art Criticism
Marina Mazze Cerchiaro, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, and Talita Trizoli

Se rendre visible dans l’Espagne de Franco : le « Salón femenino de arte actual » (1962-1971)
M. Lluïsa Faxedas, Isabel Fontbona, and Patricia Mayayo

Exhibiting Women’s Art in Post-War Europe
Agata Jakubowska

Femmes artistes italiennes du XXe siècle : « Il complesso di Michelangelo », Rome, 1977
Laura Iamurri

À l’assaut ! Explosion d’expositions de femmes artistes en France pendant le mouvement féministe
Fabienne Dumont

The Artls Bulletin (ISSN 2264-2668) is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary journal devoted to spatial and transnational questions in the history of the arts and literature. It is published by the École normale supérieure, université de Recherche Paris-Sciences Lettres, and the Centre national pour la recherche scientifique. The online version of the ARTLS Bulletin is hosted by Purdue Scholarly Publishing Services at:

This issue of the Artls Bulletin is co-edited with AWARE:
Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions

For more information on the aims and scope of the Artls Bulletin, please see the About the Journal page, and feel free to contact the editors, Catherine Dossin ( and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (

TOC: Artls Bulletin vol. 8,1. In:, 16.05.2019. Letzter Zugriff 24.02.2025. <>.
