Slovensko umetnostnozgodovinsko društvo / Società slovena di storici dell'arte / Slovenian Association of Art Historians
Fakulteta za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem / Facoltà di studi Umanistici Università del Litorale / Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska
Umetnost istrskih obalnih mest / Arte e architettura delle città istriane / Art and Architecture of Istrian Towns
Simpozij Slovenskega umetnostnozgodovinskega društva / Convegno della Società slovena di storici dell'arte / Conference of Slovenian Association of Art Historians
Koper / Capodistria, 23.–25. 11. 2018
Fakulteta za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem / Facoltà di studi Umanistici Università del Litorale / Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska, Titov trg 5, Koper / Capodistria
Predavalnica / Room / Aula
Burja 1 / Bora 1
Petek / Venerdì / Friday, 23. 11. 2018
Uvodni nagovori / Saluti d'apertura / Inaugural addresses
prof. dr. Irena Lazar, dekanja FHŠ UP
dr. Andrej Smrekar, predsednik SUZD
prof. dr. Stane Bernik
Vodja sekcije / Moderatrice / Chair: Renata Novak Klemenčič
Ana Jenko Kovačič: Bishop's and Comunal Palaces in the Light of Institutional Changes in Istria in the Middle Ages
Gregor Pobežin: Some Observations about (Hidden) Inscriptions from Koper
Zrinka Mileusnić: Museum Square in Koper – Reflection of the Koper Heritage
Odmor za kosilo / pausa pranzo / lunch break
Vodja sekcije / Moderatore / Chair: Samo Štefanac
Marta Budicin, Jasenka Gudelj: Early Modern Istrian Belfries: Examples from Koper, Izola and Piran in Context
Predrag Marković: Svetvinčenat between Rural and Urban – Venetian Family Morosini and the Transformation of a Feudal Estate (1485–1550)
Helena Seražin: L'attività della bottega Schiavi in Istria
Karin Bernardi: Nekdanji cerkveni kompleks sv. Antona opata v Piranu
Neža Čebron Lipovec: »We have to respect the old, but we have to be aware that we are creating a new history«: The Role of Built Heritage in the Post-War Urban Planning in Koper/Capodistria
Salvator Žitko: Koprsko mestno jedro in varstvo kulturne dediščine – refleksije na objavljeno študijo iz leta 1983 v kontekstu današnjega stanja in odnosa do dediščine Koprsko mestno jedro in varstvo kulturne dediščine
Sobota / Sabato /Saturday, 24. 11. 2018
Vodja sekcije / Moderatrice / Chair: Jasenka Gudelj
Katarina Šmid: A Rarely-Published Relief of Dionysus-Liber Pater in the Koper Regional Museum
Enrica Cozzi:La pittura gotica dell'Istria slovena e il polittico di Pirano di Paolo Veneziano
Ana Krevelj: Accompanying Scenes on Depictions of the Journey and Adoration of the Magi in Hrastovlje, Gradišče near Divača and Beram – New Findings
Samo Štefanac: Antonio Rossellino’s Madonnas and the Problem of Mass-Produced Florentine Early Renaissance Sculpture and its Early Diffusion on the Eastern Shore of Adriatic
11.00–13.00: Ogled krstilnice in stolnice / Visita del Battistero e della Cattedrale / Visit to the Baptistery and Cathedral
Odmor za kosilo / pausa pranzo / lunch break
Vodja sekcije / Moderatrice / Chair: Nina Kudiš
Mojca Marjana Kovač: Bonfante Torre. Il tagliapietra veneziano e la sua bottega a Pirano
Damir Tulić: Baroque Marble Portrait Busts in Venetian Istria
Enrico Lucchese: I ritratti capodistriani di Gavardo de Gavardo
Andreja Rakovec: Stuccoworks at Besenghi degli Ughi Palace in Isola
Roberto De Feo: Presenze neoclassiche a Pirano: gli scultori Antonio e Francesco Bosa
Rossella Fabiani: Pietro Nobile a Pirano. Progetti per la chiesa di San Pietro
Nedelja / Domenica / Sunday, 25. 11. 2018
Vodja sekcije / Moderatore / Chair: Damir Tulić
Vlasta Zajec: Several Wood-Carved Altars in Slovenian Istra
Sara Turk: Il destino degli altari del duomo di Capodistria
Nina Kudiš: The Long 17th Century in Koper, Izola and Piran: the Heritage of Late Renaissance and Baroque Venetian Paintings
Katja Mahnič: “Only few knew about this; now the war has made it public.”: Works of Art of Istrian Towns and Their Presentation during the First World War
Claudia Crosera: L’attività di tutela della Soprintendenza nel primo dopoguerra: restauri di opere d’arte in Istria e nella Venezia Giulia
Zdenka Bonin, Deborah Rogoznica: L'Importanza del patrimonio scritto di Capodistria come monumento culturale
Barbka Gosar Hirci: The Restoration of Carpaccio Paintings from Koper
CONF: Art and Architecture of Istrian Towns (Koper, 23-25 Nov 18). In:, Nov 19, 2018 (accessed Dec 22, 2024), <>.