TOC 24.10.2018

Archives of American Art Journal, no. 2, 2018

Tanya Sheehan, Archives of American Art

Archives of American Art Journal, volume 57, no. 2 (fall 2018)

Devoted to Latino art, this special issue showcases the Archives of American Art’s recent collecting initiative funded by the Smithsonian Latino Center. It also includes a conversation among eleven scholars sparked by our prior publication of Alexander Nemerov’s essay, “Art Is Not the Archive.”

The longest-running scholarly journal devoted to the history of American art, the AAAJ aims to showcase new approaches to and out-of-the-box thinking about primary sources. It contains both commissioned and peer-reviewed research articles that engage with the vast holdings of the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art.

To explore current and back issues of the journal, please go to The University of Chicago Press website includes information regarding subscriptions and submissions. I encourage potential authors to discuss their research and manuscripts by writing to Tanya Sheehan, Executive Editor:

Table of Contents


The Island Within the Island: Remapping Dominican York
Tatiana Reinoza

Sputnik and the Avenues: The Art of Chaz Bojórquez
Karen Mary Davalos


In the Field: Latino Art Archives
Jennifer A. González

In Conversation: Art Is Not the Archive


Hispanic Hoopla: Latino Collecting at the Archives
Josh T. Franco

TOC: Archives of American Art Journal, no. 2, 2018. In:, 24.10.2018. Letzter Zugriff 26.12.2024. <>.
