TOC Oct 18, 2018

Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Autumn 2018, Vol. 17, Issue 2

Petra Chu

NCAW Autumn 2018, Vol. 17, Issue 2
Table of Contents

American Art History Digitally sponsored by the Terra Foundation for American Art

“A Digital Recreation of the Lenox Library Picture Gallery: A Contribution to the Early History of Public Art Museums in the United States”
by Sally Webster and David Schwittek with Carlo Diego, Cara Jordan, Lauren Ritz, Leonidas Maliokas, and Bruce Weber


“A ‘Raphael’ in Nineteenth-Century Boston: The Biography of the McMullen Museum of Art’s Madonna and Child with John the Baptist”
by Stephanie C. Leone

“Between Venus and Victoria: John Gibson’s Portrait Statue of the Hon. Mrs. Murray, Later Countess Beauchamp”
by Roberto C. Ferrari

“Viriginie Amélie Avegno Gautreau: Living Statue”
by Elizabeth L. Block

“Degas in Pieces: Form and Fragment in the Late Bather Pastels”
by Kathryn Brown

“The Sideshow at the Salon: Positioning the Spectator and Transforming Spectacle in Fernand Pelez’s Grimaces et misère—Les Saltimbanques (1888)”
by Jennifer Johnson

“Scarified Skin and Simian Symptoms: Experimental Medicine and Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”
by Kathleen Pierce

New Discoveries

The Alexander Graham Bell Collection of Japanese Masks at the Smithsonian
by Robert Pontsioen

Book Reviews
Misère: The Visual Representation of Misery in the 19th Century
by Linda Nochlin
Reviewed by Taylor J. Acosta

Picturing War in France, 1792–1856
by Katie Hornstein
Reviewed by David O’Brien

Exiled in Modernity: Delacroix, Civilization, and Barbarism
by David O’Brien
Reviewed by John P. Lambertson

Women Artists in Paris, 1850–1900
by Laurence Madeline, with Bridget Alsdorf, Richard Kendall, Jane R. Becker, Vibeke Waallann Hansen, and Joëlle Bolloch
Reviewed by Sarah Sik

Jules Adler, 1865–1952: Peindre Sous La Troisième République
Reviewed by Gabriel P. Weisberg

A Paris Life, A Baltimore Treasure: The Remarkable Lives of George A. Lucas and His Art Collection
by Stanley Mazaroff
Reviewed by Jo Briggs

The Thannhauser Gallery: Marketing Van Gogh
edited by Stefan Koldehoff and Chris Stolwijk
Reviewed by Janet Whitmore

Exhibition Reviews

Salazar: Portraits of Influence in Spanish New Orleans, 1785–1802
Reviewed by Alba Campo Rosillo

Samuel F. B. Morse’s “Gallery of the Louvre” and the Art of Invention
Reviewed by Jennifer W. Olmsted

The Real Beauty: The Artistic World of Eugenia Errázuriz
Reviewed by Trinita Kennedy

The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Monet and Architecture
Reviewed by Corrinne Chong

Cézanne Portraits
Reviewed by Alexis Clark

Van Gogh & Japan
Reviewed by Elizabeth Mix

TOC: Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Autumn 2018, Vol. 17, Issue 2. In:, Oct 18, 2018 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <>.
