East-Central European Art Forum Inaugural Conference
Theorizing the Geography of East-Central European Art
The newly established Piotr Piotrowski Center for Research on East-Central European Art at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań invites you to the inaugural conference of the East-Central European Art Forum. The conference Theorizing the Geography of East-Central European Art will be held on 26 and 27 October 2018 in Poznań.
According to Piotr Piotrowski (1952-2015), the core of practicing art history and scientific research resides in meetings and vibrant discussions with scholars, art writers, artists, and curators. Piotrowski became a major figure in East-Central European art scholarship not only because of his writings, but also owing to the fact that he was building networks. We are under no illusion that we can replace him in that. Yet, as his intellectual heirs, we perceive it as both a challenge and an opportunity to continue his work of bringing people together. Therefore, we intend to initiate the East-Central European Art Forum – regular, biennial meetings of scholars working on East-Central European art of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The inaugural conference will concentrate on new theoretical conceptualizations of geographies of East-Central European art and/or critical analysis of existing theoretical holdings on the subject. It will bring together international scholars who are interested in discussing how we place Eastern European art and its histories on the maps of global art histories that are continuously being drawn anew.
ZAMEK Cultural Center, New Scene
Św. Marcin Street 80/82, Poznań, Poland
Free Admission
The Conference Program
October 26, 2018 (Friday)
Session 1
Mapping and Un-mapping: The Spatial Turn
Chair: Agata Jakubowska
9.30-9.50 Steven Mansbach, Modernist Myths and their Methodological Implications
9.50-10.10 Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius, Mapmaking as Image-making: The Case of East Central Europe
10.10-10.30 Borut Vogelnik, Retroprincip Book Series
10.30-10.50 Magdalena Radomska, Dialectical Geography and Horizontal Art History
Coffee break
Session 2
Redrawing Maps & Shifting Borders
Chair: Maria Hlavajova
12.00-12.20 Éva Forgács, The Shifting Notions of East-Central Europe
12.20-12.40 Carmen Popescu, Reporting from the (East) Front: Eastern Europe Architectural Historiography of the Former Communist Bloc in the Making
12.40-13.00 Amy Bryzgel, Atemporal Histories and the Geography of Central and Eastern Europe Case Study: Performance Art
13.00-13.20 Christian Nae, East of the West and West of the East: On the Concept of Scale in Critical Geography of Art
Lunch break
Session 3
Regional Displacements & Disrupted Art Histories
Chair: Urška Jurman
15.00-15.20 Karolina Majewska-Güde, Digging Inside of the Trans/national. Approaching the Condition of Close Other from the Perspective of Minor Transnationalism.
15.20-15.40 Ieva Astahovska, The Mapping of Baltic Art as Critical Case Study in Context of Eastern Europe and its Revisionist Approaches
15.40-16.00 Marko Ilić, “Future's in the Balkans”: Post-Yugoslav Art on the Borders of Europe
16.00-16.20 April Eisman, Ideological and Geographical Invisibility: The Western Reception of East German Art
Coffee break
17.15-18.30 In memory of Piotr Piotrowski
Recollections of the conference East European Art seen from Global Perspective (Labyrinth Gallery, Lublin, 24-27 October 2014) and reflections on the book Globalizing East European Art Histories (eds. Beata Hock and Anu Allas, Routledge 2018)
October 27, 2018 (Saturday)
Session 4
Alternative Spatializations: Production of Spaces
Chair: Luiza Nader
9.30-9.50 Sven Spieker, Foreign Language and Utopia in Eastern European Neo-Avantgarde Art
9.50-10.10 Pavlína Morganová, Art History of the Place
10.10-10.30 Allison Leigh, An Experiment in Horizontal Art History: Critiquing Modernist Geographies
10.30-10.50 Jérôme Bazin, How Far Can Art Historian Scatter Spaces ?
Coffee break
Session 5
Postcolonial Conditions & Decolonial Perspectives
Chair: Magdalena Radomska
12.00-12.20 Edit András, Shift from Geopolitics of Place to Chrono-politics of Time
12.20-12.40 Marina Gržinić, The Postsocialist and Postcolonial Conditions as Features of a Conceptualization of a "New" Geography
12.40-13.00 Maja Fowkes, Reuben Fowkes, Pluriversal Geo-epistemologies of East European Art
13.00-13.20 Lina Džuverović, Still Sucking On Communism – Challenging the Totalitarian Paradigm as a step towards ‘Delinking’ from the Colonial Matrix Of Power
Lunch break
Session 6
Relational Geography & Transregional Collaborations
Chair: Hedvig Turai
15.00-15.20 Viktor Misiano, Interpol: The Apology of Failure
15.20-15.40 Candice M. Hamelin, Rethinking “Centers” and “Peripheries” and the West’s Influence on Photographic Practices in East-Central Europe
15.40-16.00 Caterina Preda, The geography of East-Central European Art and Transregional Links During the Cold War. The Case of the Museo de la Solidaridad (Salvador Allende) and its Collaborative Model with the Socialist Countries in East-Central Europe
16.00-16.20 Judy Peter, Comparative Art Histories in Eastern and Central Europe and South Africa: Political and Cultural Visual Representations in ‘New Democracies’.
Coffee break
Conference final discussion
The conference will be held in English
Piotr Piotrowski Center for Research on East-Central European Art
Department of Art History
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
The conference is supported by ERSTE Foundation.
CONF: Theorizing the Geography of East-Central European Art (Poznan, 26-27 Oct 18). In: ArtHist.net, 22.09.2018. Letzter Zugriff 31.03.2025. <https://arthist.net/archive/18981>.