CFP 04.04.2018

Society for the Study of Early Modern Women (New York, 13-16 Feb 2019)

CAA Conference, New York, 13.–16.02.2019
Eingabeschluss : 18.04.2018

Maria Maurer, Indiana University

Society for the Study of Early Modern Women
Call for Panel Proposal
College Art Association
New York, 13-16 February 2019

The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women ( will sponsor one panel at the annual conference to be held in New York, 13-16 February 2019. We are soliciting proposals for panels that explore the relationships between women, gender, and artistic or material culture during the early modern period (c. 1300-1800). Cross-cultural or transnational panels are especially welcome.
CAA offers the SSEMW the opportunity to submit an already-formed panel or to participate in the association’s general call for participation. Panel proposals may therefore consist of a completed panel with pre-selected speakers or a call for participation that will be widely circulated. The format is similarly flexible, and might include three 20-minute papers, several “lightning” papers, a roundtable discussion, or other interactive format.

Panel proposals should be sent to Maria Maurer at no later than Wednesday April 18th with the following materials:

- Abstract of 250-500 words describing the panel
- Name(s) of panel organizers and, for complete panels only, the speakers. Include the institutional affiliation and email address for each participant.
- One-page CV for organizers. For complete panels, a one-page CV is also required for speakers.
- CAA Member ID of each participant – please note that CAA requires all participants to be active members through February 16, 2019.
- For complete panels only: titles (max 15 words) and abstracts (max 250 words) of each paper.

Sponsorship by SSEMW signifies that the panel is pre-approved and automatically accepted by CAA.

CAA offers several travel grants to support participation by emerging scholars, women, and international scholars:

Participants do not need to be members of SSEMW at the time of submission, but should join the society before CAA meets in February 2019. A regular membership costs $25; students, independent scholars and contingent faculty may join for $15.

CAA’s open and flexible format encourages creativity, but can also lead to uncertainty. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions.

Maria F. Maurer
Assistant Professor of Art History
Director, Medieval and Early Modern Studies
The University of Tulsa

CFP: Society for the Study of Early Modern Women (New York, 13-16 Feb 2019). In:, 04.04.2018. Letzter Zugriff 21.09.2024. <>.
