CONF 09.02.2018

Ferdinand II of Austria (Prague, 21-23 Feb 18)

Prague, Academic Conference Center, Husova 4a, 21.–23.02.2018

Blanka Svedova

Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria (1529–1595) and his Cultural Patronage between Prague and Innsbruck

International Conference organized by the Institute of Art History (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) in cooperation with the National Gallery in Prague.

Conference chair: Mgr. Sylva Dobalová, Ph.D., IAH CAS

Information & registration at:
There is no registration fee to participate in the conference.


21st–23rd February 2018

Wednesday 21. 2. 2018 / Academic Conference Center

8.30 Registration
9.10 Welcome by the director of Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague: Tomáš Winter
and short introduction by Blanka Kubíková and Sylva Dobalová

9.30–10.30 Opening lectures
Chair: Sylva Dobalová (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague)

Jaroslava Hausenblasová (Charles University, Prague): Der Hof Erzherzog Ferdinands II. – seine Organisation, Funktionalität und Finanzierung

Veronika Sandbichler (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck): Die Rekonstruktion der Kunst- und Wunderkammer Erzherzog Ferdinands II.: Facts ‘n‘ Figures

10.30–10.45 Coffee break

10.45–12:15 “Kunstkammer”, Collections, Cultural Transfers I
Chair: Veronika Sandbichler (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck)

Thomas Kuster (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck): „Aus Schatzkisten und Betttruhen“: Das Nachlassinventar Erzherzog Ferdinands II. von 1596

Beket Bukovinská (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague): Die Kunstkammern Erzherzog Ferdinands II. und Rudolfs II.: Berührungen in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart

Stanislav Hrbatý (The Museum of Eastern Bohemia, Hradec Králové): Archduke Ferdinand’s Collection of Armouries during his Prague Stay

12.15–13.45 Lunch

13.45–15.15 “Kunstkammer”, Collections, Cultural Transfers II
Chair: Thomas Kuster (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck)

Annemarie Jordan Gschwend (Centro de Humanidades, Lisbon): Antonio Meyting, Hans Khevenhüller and Ferdinand II: Cultural Transfers between Iberia and Schloss Ambras

Michaela Pejčochová (National Gallery in Prague): Chinese Paintings in the Collection of the Archduke Ferdinand II at Schloss Ambras: An Outline of the Reception of first Chinese Paintings in Europe

Markéta Ježková (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague): Ferdinand of Tyrol and Collections in the Netherlands

15.15–15.30 Coffee break

15.30–17.00 “Kunstkammer”, Collections, Cultural Transfers III
Chair: Katharina Seidl (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck)

Susanne König-Lein (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz): Collecting in Competition? The Kunstkammern in Graz and Ambras

Eva Putzgruber (University of Applied Arts Vienna): The Lampworked Glass Collection of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol: Research on Collection History and Development of Lampworking Technique at the Court of Innsbruck

Hugo Miguel Crespo (University of Lisbon): A Life Cast Flower Bouquet by Wenzel Jamnitzer

18.30 / Waldstein Riding School, Valdštejnská 3, Prague 1 (Tram No. 18, “Malostranská” station)

For speakers and registered participants: Welcome drink offered by National Gallery in Prague, and visit of an exhibition “Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria. A Renaissance Ruler and Art Patron between Prague and Innsbruck”

Thursday 22. 2. 2018 / Academic Conference Center

9.30–11.00 The Fine Arts and their Protagonists I
Chair: Blanka Kubíková (National Gallery in Prague)

Madelon Simons (University of Amsterdam): Young Archduke’s Inspiration from the North

Sylva Dobalová (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague): Fountains and “Models” in the Print Collection of Archduke Ferdinand

Ivo Purš (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague): The Motif of Grottesco on the Ceilings of Villa Star

11.00–11.15 Coffee break

11.15–12.45 The Fine Arts and their Protagonists II
Chair: Alena Volrábová (National Gallery in Prague)

Blanka Kubíková (National Gallery in Prague): Portraiture at the court of Archduke Ferdinand and Bohemian Lands

Elisabeth Reitter (Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck): Die Hofkünstler Erzherzog Ferdinands II (1567–1595)

Eliška Fučíková (Prague): „Ehrnhold und Baumeister“ Hans Tirol (1505/1506–1576) und sein Wirken in kaiserlichen Diensten

12.45–14.00 Lunch

14.00–15.30 Architecture I – The Seat and the City
Chair: Ivan P. Muchka (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague)

Herbert Karner (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien): Stadtraum als Residenzraum? Innsbruck und Wien in der 2. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts

Petr Uličný (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague): How to Read the Habsburg Architecture at Prague Castle

Sarah Lynch (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): The Archduke and the Architect: Respect, Agreement, and Discord between Archduke Ferdinand and Bonifaz Wolmut

15.30–15.45 Coffee break

15.45–16.45 Architecture II – Summer Residences and Hunting Lodges
Chair: Herbert Karner (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien)

Luc Duerloo (University of Antwerp): Deer, Haystacks and the Scent of Basil: Habsburg Summer Residences and the Imagination of Life in the Country

Jan Bažant (Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague): Renaissance Villas in Prague as Imperial Attributes: from Ambition to Achievement

Thursday 22. 2. 2018 / Lecture Room of the Institute of Art History, Husova 4, 1st floor
14.00–15.15 Humanism – Science, Literature and Music I
Chair: Vladimír Urbánek (Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague)

Marta Vaculínová (Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague): Dichterarzt Laurentius Span und seine Stellung unter den Humanisten um Erzherzog Ferdinand II.

Lucie Storchová (Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague): Humanist Rhetoric and Strategies of Acquiring Patronage: The Case of Georg Handsch

Frederik Pacala (Prague): Georgius Handschius and music (shorter paper)

15.15–15.30 Coffee break

15.30–16.45 Humanism – Science, Literature and Music II
Chair: Jaroslava Hausenblasová (Charles University, Prague)

Katharina Seidl (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck): Kartoffelblüte und Zitronenbaum. Botanische Highlights am Hof Erzherzog Ferdinands II.

Zdeněk Žalud (Hussite Museum in Tábor): Central European Astrologers and the House of Habsburg in the Middle of the 16th Century

Eliška Baťová (Association for Central European Cultural Studies, Prague): „Volumina octo chartacea Bohemica lingua conscripta“: The Closer Look at the Writings of the Unity of the Brethren in the Library of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol (shorter paper)

Friday 23. 2. 2018 / Academic Conference Center

9.30–10.30 The Dynasty and its Festivities I
Chair: Václav Bůžek (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice)

Joseph F. Patrouch (University of Alberta): Sisters, Nieces, Nephews and Cousins: The Female Dynastic Contexts of Archduke Ferdinand in the Transitional Year of 1567

Jana Hubková (Stadtmuseum Ústí nad Labem): Der Statthalter Böhmens Ferdinand von Tirol und das publizistische Echo des kaiserlichen Einzugs Ferdinands I. in die Prager Städte am 8. November 1558

10.30–10.45 Coffee break

10.45–11.45 The Dynasty and its Festivities II
Chair: Madelon Simons (University of Amsterdam)

Jan Baťa (Charles University, Prague): Music in the Prague Festivities Organized by Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria

Václav Bůžek (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice): Selbstpräsentation Ferdinands von Tirol in den Jagdfesten

14.30 / Excursion: Summer Palace Star (Hvězda), Obora Hvězda 445, Prague 6

CONF: Ferdinand II of Austria (Prague, 21-23 Feb 18). In:, 09.02.2018. Letzter Zugriff 12.01.2025. <>.
