CFP 04.12.2017

Fashion and Clothing in Europan Museums (Strasbourg, 17-19 May 2018)

Strasbourg/Haguenau, The Museum of Alsace, 17.–19.05.2018
Eingabeschluss : 19.12.2017

Elke Gaugele, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien

Fashion and Clothing in Europan Museums: Collection, Research, Exhibition

This interdisciplinary international conference "Fashion and Clothing in Europan Museums: Collection, Research, Exhibition" (17-18-19 May, 2018, in Strasbourg and Haguenau) is organised by the Europan Research Interest Group 'Appearances, Bodies and Societies' (Apparences, Corps et Sociétés).
With the intent of reflecting the current musem landscape and of developing debate on future directions for museums of art, dress and textiles, ethnography and history, members of the Research Interest Group welcome papers that respond closely to the following issues:

- What fundamental themes and debates have musems attached to their collections of textiles, dress and fashion?
- What ambitions have been attached to the development of dress, fashion and textile collections? How are these collections integrated within the global project of museums and the museum itinerary?
- How can we overcome the status of differences that exisit between (high) fashion and everyday and ethnographical dress and their museum display?
- Should the promulgators of the new museologies of the study of fashion and dress - (so far mostly applied to analysis of museums of internationaol standing or to specialised musems) - take an interest in the work of small and medium sized museums?
- In what ways is digitization a challenge or a potential to the museum?
- Where should small and medium sized museums seek professional advice? What professional skills are needed for these museums ? Is there a preferred work methodology?
- What links to established research can museums initiate and set in place, precisely because of their specificities? What has already been initiated?
- The situation of some of some small local museums with collections including dress, textiles and their related industries, is now so perilous that some have been, and are being, closed.
What positive proposals have been set in place that have already addressed this problem or are currently dealing with it?

We are interested in receiving discussion papers from colleagues working with collections, be they curators, collectors, researchers, managers, museographers, etc.

The languages of the conference will be French, German and English.

Submission Process:
In view of the transEuropean character of this conference, we ask you to submit your abstract in two languages - in any combination of French, German and English – (i.e. French and German; French and English; or English and German.) Your submission should be 300 words long, with the translation bringing it to a total of 600 words. Abstracts must be relevant to the issues detailed in this Call for Papers and should clearly highlight the specific themes your paper will address.

DEADLINE for submission: December 19th 2017. You will be informed in January on the proceeding of your submission.

Abstracts should be submitted to:
- Lou Taylor, Prof. Emerita []; Dr. Charlotte Nicklas []. School of Humanities, University of Brighton, 10/11, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, BN 2 1RA, UK.
- Jean-Pierre Lethuillier []. Université Rennes 2, Département d’Histoire, Place du recteur Henri Le Moal, CS 24307, 35043 Rennes cedex, France.

CFP: Fashion and Clothing in Europan Museums (Strasbourg, 17-19 May 2018). In:, 04.12.2017. Letzter Zugriff 20.09.2024. <>.
