CONF Nov 26, 2017

WAS - Women Artists Shows.Salons.Societies (Paris, 8-9 Dec 17)

Paris, Auditorium du Jeu de Paume, Niveau -1, 1 place de la Concorde, Dec 8–09, 2017

Catherine Dossin, Purdue University

The symposium «WAS (Women Artists Shows·Salons·Societies) : expositions collectives d'artistes femmes 1876-1976» organized by the research laboratory Artls (École normale supérieure, PSL, Labex TransferS) and by AWARE, with the collaboration of Jeu de Paume, will launch a research project focusing on group exhibitions of women artists. Our ambition is to build a descriptive and analytical catalogue of these exhibitions from the end of the 19th to the end of the 20th century and to start reflecting on their specific history, through the study of the evolution of the social, cultural, and institutional conditions that permitted or made them necessary through the analysis of the various levels of mediation and organisation at work in these shows, or also through the examination of their symbolical functioning and critical response.

This first symposium considers a moment when the chronology of women group shows is less known (the more recent period will be the subject of a later symposium). Starting with the first Woman Pavilion run by women within the Centennial International Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia to the exhibition Women artists 1550-1950 organised in 1976-1977 by Ann Sutherland Harris and Linda Nochlin at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, this symposium seeks to examine the phenomenon of collective exhibitions of women artists in all its extent and diversity.

Scientific committee:
Catherine Dossin, Associate Professor, Purdue University, Lafayette (United Sates), vice director of d'Artls (project based at ENS-Ulm)
Camille Morineau, President of AWARE, director of exhibitions and collections at the Monnaie de Paris
Hanna Alkema, Head of scientific programs for AWARE


Fri. 08 December 2017

11H-11H30: Welcome and Introduction

11H30-13H: PANEL 1

Francesca Lombardi (Fondazione Ernesta Besso, Roma)
«The Esposizione Internazionale Femminile di Belle Arti, Turin (1910-1911; 1913). Gender, art and profession in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century»

Thomas Galifot (Musée d'Orsay, Paris)
«Autour de Frances Benjamin Johnston : stratégies séparatistes et ségrégationnistes dans l'exposition des femmes photographes au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles (France et États-Unis)»

Paula Birnbaum (University of San Francisco)
«Framing Femininities: Femmes Artistes Modernes (FAM), Paris, 1931-1938»

14H-15H30: PANEL 2

Denis Laoureux (Université libre de Bruxelles)
«Le Cercle des femmes peintres de Bruxelles : un collectif, quatre expositions (1888-1893)»

Ewa Bobrowska (Terra Foundation for American Art, Paris)
«Les Polonaises s'organisent : les premières expositions de femmes artistes polonaises au tournant du XXe siècle» (Rudolfine Lackner, Vienna)
«For the long Revolution! The Austrian Association of Women Artists (VBKÖ, founded 1910) and the Wiener Frauenkunst (1926-1938/1946-1956)»

15H45-16H45: KEYNOTE 1

Agata Jakubowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
«History of all-women exhibitions - national, transnational, international and comparative perspectives»

17H-18H30: PANEL 3

Natalia Budanova (Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Center, London)
«The exhibition of Moscow Union of women painters in December 1914: the first women artists' group show in Russia»

Gloria Cortés Aliaga (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chili)
«Group Exhibitions of Women Artists in Chile, 1916-1939»

Georgina Gluzman (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas & Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires)
«An exhibition of one's own: the first all-women shows in Argentina (1920-1940)»

Sat. 09 December 2017

11H15-13H15: PANEL 4

Joanna Gardner-Huggett (DePaul University, Chicago)
«Women Artists' Salon of Chicago (1937-1952): Cultivating Careers and Art Collectors»

Sofia Gotti (The Feminist Institute, New York), «Feminine or Feminist? Three exhibitions of women artists in Bogota, 1951-1961»

Glafki Gotsi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
«Α "guarantee of clustered energy and collective promotion": the Art Association of Greek Women and its exhibitions»

M.Lluïsa Faxedas (Universitat de Girona), Isabel Fontbona (Universitat de Girona) et Patricia Mayayo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
«Se rendre visible dans l'Espagne de Franco : le Salón femenino del arte actual (1962-1971)»

14H15-15H45: PANEL 5

Nadine Atallah (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
«Ten Egyptian Women Painters Over Half a Century, une exposition pour en finir avec le nassérisme»

Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Marina Mazze Cerchiaro (Universidade de São Paulo) & Talita Trizoli (Universidade de São Paulo)
«Entre l'exposition et le silence de la réception : une analyse de "Contribuição das Mulheres às Artes Plásticas no Brasil", MAM, São Paulo, 1961»

Laura Iamurri (Università Roma Tre)
«Femmes artistes italiennes du XXe siècle : Il complesso di Michelangelo, Rome 1976»

16H-17H: KEYNOTE 2

Fabienne Dumont (ÉESAB-Quimper)
«À l'assaut ! Explosion d'expositions de femmes artistes en France pendant le mouvement féministe»

17H15-18H30: ROUND TABLE

«Expositions collectives d'artistes femmes aujourd'hui : quelle nécessité et quels enjeux ?»
modérée par Camille Morineau (AWARE, Monnaie de Paris) avec Juan Vicente Aliaga (professeur de théorie de l'art moderne et contemporain à l'Université Polytechnique de Valence, Espagne, et commissaire d'expositions), Julie Crenn (docteure en histoire de l'art, critique d'art (AICA) et commissaire d'exposition indépendante), Cecilia Fajardo-Hill (historienne de l'art et commissaire d'expositions)

Wiebke Hölzer (Technische University, Berlin), «"The exhibition comes up to our expectations." The Verein Berliner Künstlerinnen in the gallery von der Heyde during nazi era»
Adriana De Angelis (Università Roma Tre), «Women artists in Italy: 1930-1980. Group exhibitions»
Chiara Iorino (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca) & Linda Bertelli (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca), «The "Società delle Artiste" at the Mostra Nazionale di Belle Arti in Milan: the first collective exhibition of women artists in Italy»
Roberta Serra (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), «Le Salon de l'Union des femmes peintres et sculpteurs : 1881-1923. Associations et expositions d'artistes femmes en France, au tournant du XXe siècle.»
Eva Belgherbi (Université de Poitiers), «Avant l'exposition : la formation des sculptrices à Paris à la fin du XIXe siècle»
Kat Buckley (School of the Art Institute of Chicago), «Peggy Guggenheim and the Exhibition of 31 Women.»
Victor Monin (ENS Paris), «"Combien il est difficile de distinguer cet art féminin du masculin. "(Laure Albin Guillot) : Les femmes artistes d'Europe exposent au Jeu de Paume, 1937.»

CONF: WAS - Women Artists Shows.Salons.Societies (Paris, 8-9 Dec 17). In:, Nov 26, 2017 (accessed Oct 19, 2024), <>.
