TOC Oct 23, 2017

Archives of American Art Journal 56.2 (fall 2017)

Tanya Sheehan, Archives of American Art

Archives of American Art Journal 56.2 (fall 2017)

Supported by the Dedalus Foundation, this issue features new research on the influential modernist artist, writer, editor, and teacher Robert Motherwell (1915-1991). This issue also introduces a new section of the journal dedicated to living artists’ interventions in the Archives.

The longest-running scholarly journal devoted to the history of American art, the AAAJ aims to showcase new approaches to and out-of-the-box thinking about primary sources. It contains both commissioned and peer-reviewed research articles that engage with the vast holdings of the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art.

To explore current and back issues of the journal, please go to

The University of Chicago Press website includes information regarding subscriptions and submissions. Potential authors are encouraged to discuss their research and manuscripts by writing to

Fall 2017 Table of Contents


Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists

Ellen Landau

Marketing the Monumental: Wall Painting at Midcentury

Emily S. Warner

The Lives of the Artist: Interviewing Motherwell

Katy Rogers


The Dream Objects of Joseph Cornell

Bella Li


Art Is Not the Archive

Alexander Nemerov


Naul Ojeda Papers

Josh T. Franco

Robert Alexander Papers and Temple of Man Records

Annette Leddy

Mary Swift Papers

Mary Savig

Loren Madsen Papers

Matthew Simms


TOC: Archives of American Art Journal 56.2 (fall 2017). In:, Oct 23, 2017 (accessed Mar 12, 2025), <>.
