TOC 19.10.2017

Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Autumn 2017, Vol. 16, Issue 2

Petra Chu

Table of Contents


“A Melancholic Artist and a Choleric Publisher in Honoré Daumier's Print Series L'Imagination”
by Gal Ventura

“Originality and Freedom: The 1863 Reforms to the École des Beaux-Arts and the Involvement of Léon Bonnat”
by Alisa Luxenberg

“From Florence, to London, to New York: Mr. Morgan’s Bronze Doors”
by Lynn Catterson

New Discoveries

Nikolaĭ Gritsenko, Hollande (Holland)
by Jeroen van der Boon

Book Reviews
Les Bronzes Bardedienne: l’oeuvre d’une dynastie de fondeurs
by Florence Rionnet
Reviewed by Andrew Eschelbacher

The Deaths of Henri Regnault
by Marc Gotlieb
Reviewed by Margaret MacNamidhe

James McNeill Whistler and France: A Dialogue in Paint, Poetry, and Music
by Suzanne M. Singletary
Reviewed by Alexis Clark

Exhibition Reviews

Camille Claudel Museum
Reviewed by Maria P. Gindhart

Medardo Rosso: Experiments in Light and Form
Reviewed by Susan Waller

Frederic Bazille and the Birth of Impressionism
Reviewed by Corrinne Chong

Australia’s Impressionists
Reviewed by Alexis Clark

Degas: A New Vision and Seurat’s Circus Sideshow
Reviewed by Michelle Foa

Gauguin: Artist as Alchemist
Reviewed by Janet Whitmore

Mystical Symbolism: The Salon de la Rose+Croix in Paris, 1892–1897
Reviewed by Laurinda S. Dixon

Prints in Paris 1900: From Elite to the Street
Reviewed by Gabriel P. Weisberg

TOC: Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Autumn 2017, Vol. 16, Issue 2. In:, 19.10.2017. Letzter Zugriff 20.09.2024. <>.
