The Furniture History Society and The Frick Collection invite submissions from PhD students, post-doctorates, and emerging museum scholars for a symposium dedicated to the history of furniture and interiors in Europe, Britain, and the United States. "Furniture and the Domestic Interior: 1500-1915" is the Furniture History Society’s fourth Research Seminar, following previous academic events at the Wallace Collection in London (2015, 2012) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (2014).
This event aims to present current research by scholars at an early stage of their career on subjects in European and British furniture history. Topics relevant to the Frick’s distinguished collection of European furniture or Gilded Age setting are encouraged, as are those that have a particular focus on the history and influence of European furniture in the United States, either through design, manufacture, commissions or collecting. In addition to presenting their work, participants will have the opportunity to study furniture in the Frick’s permanent collection with curatorial and conservation staff and discuss ongoing research in a seminar setting.
Applicants are requested to send a current C.V. and 300-word abstract outlining the topic of a 20-minute paper to and by June 18, 2017. Limited assistance with travel expenses may be available on an as-needed basis; please describe any requests in the abstract. All applicants will be notified by July 11, 2017.
Symposium is free, but online registration is required.
CFP: Furniture and the Domestic Interior (New York, 27 Oct 17). In:, May 18, 2017 (accessed Feb 18, 2025), <>.