TOC May 24, 2011

Umeni / Art LIX (2011) No. 2

Tomáš Winter

Umeni / Art LIX, 2011, No. 2
Journal of the Institute for Art History of the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic

Richard Nemec
Die Burg- und Klosteranlage Oybin im Kontext der regionalen und
höfischen Architektur Karls IV.: Zur Verbreitung des Stils der Prager

Petr Ulicny
Kristus v pohybu. Premistitelne objekty v liturgii stredovekych Cech
Christ in Motion: Movable Objects in the Liturgy of Mediaeval Bohemia

Petra Trnkova
Fotografové ve sluzbach aristokracie. Vizualni reprezentace buquoyskeho
panstvi za Jiriho Jana Jindricha Buquoye v polovine 19. stoleti
Photography in the Service of the Aristocracy: The Visual Representation
of the Buquoy Estate under Georg Johann Heinrich Buquoy in the Mid-19th

Dalibor Lesovsky
Ikonografie Brandlova obrazu Sv. Jachyma a Anny – karmelitanska oslava
Mariina materstvi a panenstvi
The Iconography of Brandl’s Painting St Joachim and Anna – the Carmelite
Painting of Mary’s Motherhood and Virginity

Klara Benesovska – Jan Chlibec
Jiri Kuthan, Kralovske dilo za Jiriho z Podebrad a dynastie Jagelloncu.
Dil prvni. Kral a slechta

Michal Sronek
Jana Hubkova, Fridrich Falcky v zrcadle letakové publicistiky. Letaky
jako pramen k vyvoji a vnimani ceske otazky v letech 1619–1632

Lars-Olof Larsson
Thomas Fusenig – Alice Taatgen – Heinrich Beckerm (Hg.), Hans von Aachen
(1552–1615). Hofkünstler in Europa

Milada Studnickova
Maria Theisen, History buech reimenweisz. Geschichte, Bildprogramm und
Illuminatoren des Willehalm-Codex König Wenzels IV. von Böhmen, Wien,
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Ser. Nov. 2643

Acquisitions of Art History Sources
Ceska resume / English Summaries

Published by the Institute for Art History of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.
Editorial Office: UDU AV CR, Husova Str. 4, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel., fax: ++4202 222 216 46

TOC: Umeni / Art LIX (2011) No. 2. In:, May 24, 2011 (accessed Apr 28, 2024), <>.
