CFP May 25, 2016

The Jewel in Art and Art in Jewel (Barcelona, 17-18 Nov 2016)

Barcelona, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Nov 17–18, 2016
Deadline: Jul 15, 2016

Mariangels Fondevila, curator of modern and contemporary art

3rd European Congress on Jewellery: The Jewel in Art and Art in Jewel

The aim is that this Congress should promote the study of jewellery as an academic discipline. This edition will analyse it not so much as an independent topic, but in a dialogue with the different arts and with the artists, in an international geographical context and in the same timeframe as the collections of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, from the medieval period to the individualised jewels of contemporary artists. The Congress will analyse jewels in relation to the visual arts and the fields of artistic creation: from the painted jewels of Romanesque painting, embroidery, medieval manuscripts, to the pictorial and sculptural values of modern jewellery. In addition, it will also take in the study of jewels as a vehicle for spreading artistic trends or as a cross-cutting path taken by artists outside the world of jewellery. And, in the last instance, jewels understood as the expression of an artistic universe in miniature over and above the skin-deep concept of them as luxury items reflecting the magnificence of the materials. Both private and public jewel collecting will also be the object of special attention.

Some of the different thematic areas foreseen are:

1. Jewels as a synthesis of the arts
Jewels as small, many-sided objects in which elements from other disciplines and multiple techniques converge. The reflection of jewellery in the arts. Presence of other art forms in jewels of a civil and religious nature. Jewellery related to the performing arts and cinema

2. The symbolism of jewels
Jewels as a symbol of power and status. Jewellery in religious liturgy and in the civil sphere

3. Art jewels and artists’ jewels
People or firms in the arts who have transformed or brought new life to the world of jewellery with their designs

4. Changing fortunes, losses, collections
Collectors, patrons, owners; spoliated treasures, found treasures, etc.

The 1st European Congress of Jewellery was held in 2012 in the Museo de las Alhajas in La Bañeza (León) with the title ‘Tradition: styles and materials’, and the 2nd Congress on ‘Wearing Jewels. Fashions and Models’, was held in 2013 at the Museo del Traje in Madrid.

Direction: Mariàngels Fondevila, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona

Scientific committee: M. Antonia Herradón, Museo del Traje, Madrid; Joan Domenge, Universitat de Barcelona; Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Reial Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, Barcelona; Maria Sframeli, former director of the Museo degli Argenti, Firenze; Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa, Universidade do Porto; Kristin Kennedy, Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Jaume Mercadé, Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, d’Orfebres, de Rellotgers i de Gemmòlegs de Catalunya, Barcelona

Sponsored by: D'Or Joiers

The congress is addressed to museum professionals, researchers, university professors and teachers, collectors, professional jewellers, artists, designers, gemologists and young researchers. A short abstract (200-300 words) together with a brief CV should be sent to by July 15, 2016. We look forward to 20-minutes papers in Catalan, Spanish and English.

CFP: The Jewel in Art and Art in Jewel (Barcelona, 17-18 Nov 2016). In:, May 25, 2016 (accessed Feb 24, 2025), <>.
