CONF 30.03.2016

Visualising Chinese Borders in the 21st Century (Manchester, 5-6 Apr 16)

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, MMU, All Saints campus, Manchester, UK, 05.–06.04.2016
Anmeldeschluss: 31.03.2016

Beccy Kennedy, Manchester Metropolitan University

A two day conference exploring the timely topic of borders, citizenship and state identity in relation to art and design practices across the Chinese straits - through the examination of artworks, designed objects, exhibitions, performance and protest spaces. Presentations are given by international artists, curators and scholars, some of whom are disseminating research findings from the associated Visualising Chinese Borders AHRC-funded research network project:

Contact: Dr Beccy Kennedy:


Tuesday 5th April

8:30 - registration and tea/coffee

Dr Ming Turner
Welcome and Introduction to Visualising Chinese Borders

Keynote: summary of research by Professor Paul Gladston, University of Nottingham.

Session 1: Research findings: Towards a Discourse on Chinese Border Art

Beccy Kennedy
What is a border and how can it be visualised?: summary of project findings

Ying Kwok
Art and censorship in Hong Kong

Rachel Marsden
Local Action to Global "Agitprop" - The Politics of Chinese Occupy Movements

11:45 - discussion and questions

12:30 - lunch

Session 2: Design Directions

Zara Arshad
"Design in China: Towards a Transnational Interpretation

Crystal Chan
The Design Culture of the Occupy Sites in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement

2:30 - discussion and questions.

3:00 - tea/coffee

Session 3: Displacements

Lily Mitchell
Cultures of Revolution : The changing political narratives of curating Chinese contemporary art in the UK

Alnoor Mitha
Borderless Artistic Journeys of Han Bing: The Green Walking Movement in Manchester April 2008

Joshua Jiang TBC

5:15 - discussion and questions

5:30 - walk to Enoch Cheng exhibition private view - 'Inhere' at the Grosvenor Gallery, on campus.

5:45 - 7 PM - wine reception and private view

Wednesday 6th April

9:00 - 9:30 - registration and tea/coffee

Session 4: Performing the Border

Linda Pittwood
Clash of Impulses: Chineseness and the Body in Chinese Contemporary Art

Pedro Bakker
Visualising the (Chinese) border of the private underground.

Jeremy A. Murray
Taming the Southern Wilds with Song and Dance: The Red Detachment of Women (Hongse niangzi jun) and Mainland Perceptions of Hainan and China's Southern Border (Skype)

Mirjam Troester
Visualising Borders on Stage: The Case of Theatrical Touring across the Taiwan Strait

Jane Brake and John Van Aitken (Institute of Urban Dreamin)
Developing Frontiers: photography as border work in the case of Xian urban village, Guangzhou

12:00 - Discussion and Questions

12:30 - lunch

Session 5: Migrating Practices

Isabel Seliger
Between "Inter-", "Trans-" and "Multi-": Virtual Migrations in the 3D Work of Miao Xiaochun

Tyler Russell
Visualizing Chinese Borders in Vancouver: The role of Artistic and Curatorial Practice in the Development of Strategies for Cultural Resilience and Diversity in the Contemporary

Elva Lai
Searching for Home: The Theme of Migration in Contemporary Art

Vavara Shavrova
'Between the Borders: Russia and China border dynamics: imagination, reality and change explored by a visual artist'

3:00 - plenary discussion chaired by Ming Turner and Beccy Kennedy

3:30 - 5:30 - Site visits to exhibitions by project partners at the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Art and Castlefield Gallery

5:30 - drinks and meal at Home Manchester (not included in conference schedule; please ask me to book). If you are staying a further day there is also a talk by Professor Sarah Perks as part of the Hong Kong film season at Home on 7th April. Book here

Schedule subject to minor changes.

CONF: Visualising Chinese Borders in the 21st Century (Manchester, 5-6 Apr 16). In:, 30.03.2016. Letzter Zugriff 18.05.2024. <>.
