This symposium is the last in the series of exhibitions, symposia and workshops in the extended programme of the 30th Council of Europe's exhibition project (2012-2015). It is organised and coordinated by the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, in close collaboration with seven additional museums, galleries and cultural institutes in Germany, Italy, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In this conference, we seek to return to our point of departure, since the whole project circled around the question of the relationship between Critique and Crisis. Our point of departure was Reinhart Koselleck's eponymous dissertation on this subject, Critique and Crisis: Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of Modern Society, first published in German in 1954. In view of the current crises in the world, this final symposium will be devoted to the broad landscape of the crises in European history and will open up the focus onto apparently 'natural' crises, which then turn out, after all, to have been caused by human agency. It will then seek to address specific examples of crisis-hit regions, in which the issues at stake are the very questions we put to ourselves at the start of this long-running project - questions, such as: What are the meanings of 'Critique' and 'Crisis', in conjunction with each other? How are these concepts processed in images? And is it even possible to resolve crises through a process of critique?
Thursday 16 April 2015
11.30 Welcome, Isabelle Vanhoonacker, Head Public Services Department (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium)
'Critique - Crisis - Desire. Art in Europe since 1945', Inga Rossi-Schrimpf, Curator Works on Paper Modern Art (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium)
'The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe since 1945', an European Project, Monika Flacke, Chief Curator of the 30th Council of Europe Art Exhibition
Guided tour of 'Critique - Crisis - Desire. Art in Europe since 1945', Inga Rossi-Schrimpf, Curator Works on Paper Modern Art (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium) & Curator of this temporary exhibition
12.15 Lunch
(own arrangements)
13.00 Symposium Introduction, Monika Flacke, Chief Curator of the 30th Council of Europe Art Exhibition
Panel I History
Moderation: MonikaFlacke/UlrikeSchmiegelt-Rietig
13.15-14.00 The Artists, the Writers and the Historians, Etienne François
14.00-14.45 Identity Crises - Gender Images of the Military in Transition, Gorch Pieken
14.45-15.15 Break
15.15-16.00 Imperial Crises: Visual Clashes in the Age of Decline, Martina Baleva
Panel II Nature
Moderation: Monika Flacke
16.00-16.45 Human-made Natural Disasters, Eleonora Rivalta
Friday 17 April 2015
Panel III Art
Moderation: Henry Meyric Hughes
10.00-10.45 Crises of Images. Images of Crises: Harun Farocki's 'Serious Games', Lukas Foerster
10.45-11.30 Art in the Times of Cyber Warfare, Pierre-Yves Desaive
11.30-12.15 Break
Panel IV Stasis
Moderation: Inga Rossi-Schrimpf
12.15-13.00 The Ideology of the Occupation: Oppressive Aggression and Self-Victimisation in Israel, Moshe Zuckermann
13.00-13.45 The Theatre of War. Second Act, Timeout. (Boris Mikhailov’s Majdan Series, Kiev, December 2013), Ulrike Schmiegelt-Rietig
13.45-14.00 Closing discussion/Closing words
Kathrin Merkle, Council of Europe. Head of Division, Culture and Democracy
N.N., Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency by the European Commission
Monika Flacke, Chief Curator of the 30th Council of Europe Art Exhibition
‘Critique and Crisis, in Image and Idea’
16.04 > 17.04.2015
Presented by
Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Head of conference
Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin Prof. Dr. Monika Flacke
Concept / Mangement
Prof. Dr. Monika Flacke
Dr. Rania Sid Otmane
Social Media
Sarah Ludewig
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium
Press: Samir Al-Haddad +32 (0) 2 508 34 08
Communication: Isabelle Bastaits +32 (0) 2 508 34 09 Graphic Design: Piet Bodyn & Vladimir Tanghe +32 (0) 2 508 32 63
Conference office
Charles Fumunjere
+32 (0) 2 508 32 50
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium
Auditorium B
Rue de la Régence 3 | 1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 508 32 11
Conference language
This project was financed with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author; the Council of Europe can
not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CONF: Critique and Crisis, in Image and Idea (Brussels, 16-17 Apr 15). In:, Apr 6, 2015 (accessed Mar 13, 2025), <>.