[1] Virtuelle Ausstellung: Rekonstruktion der Bibliothek der Reichsabtei Corvey
[2] The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives Opens Three Collections for Research
[3] Database of Knoedler Gallery Stock Books Now Online, Getty Research Institute
From: Anna Michel <anna.micheluni-paderborn.de>
Date: Sep 28, 2014
Subject: WWW: Virtuelle Ausstellung: Rekonstruktion der Bibliothek der Reichsabtei Corvey
Virtuelle Ausstellung „Tausend Jahre Wissen – Die Rekonstruktion der Bibliothek der Reichsabtei Corvey"
In dem Projekt „Kloster und Schloss Corvey als Orte abendländischer Bildungs- und Mediengeschichte“ wurden am Lehrstuhl für Materielles und Immaterielles Kulturerbe seit 2009 die ehemaligen Bestände der Klosterbibliothek Corvey erforscht, katalogisiert und digitalisiert. Mit einer Wanderausstellung wurden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse von 2011 bis 2013 einer breiten Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Die Virtuelle Ausstellung macht diese Ausstellung nun interaktiv im Internet erlebbar und erweitert sie um multimediale Inhalte. Das noch junge Medium einer Virtuellen Ausstellung eignet sich dabei in besonderer Weise, Forschungsergebnisse nachhaltig zu dokumentieren und gleichzeitig attraktiv und anschlussfähig für ein breites Publikum aufzubereiten.
Der thematische Fokus der Virtuellen Ausstellung liegt insbesondere auf dem immateriellen kulturellen Erbe: Als bedeutendes kulturelles Zentrum der Produktion, Speicherung und Vermittlung von Wissen seit dem frühen Mittelalter bis in die Neuzeit, gehörte die ehemalige Reichsabtei zu den bedeutendsten Klöstern aus karolingischer Zeit. Die Klosterbibliothek mit ihren umfangreichen und vielfältigen Buchbeständen lassen Corvey rückblickend als universelles Wissensarchiv mit einem hohen kulturellen Anspruch erscheinen. Hörtexte zur Bildungs- und Mediengeschichte vertiefen diesen Aspekt.
Von den kostbarsten und für die weitere Forschung wichtigsten Schriften der erforschten Corveyer Bestände sind ergänzend zu der Virtuellen Ausstellung auf der Internetplattform „Nova Corbeia - Die virtuelle Bibliothek Corvey“ Volldigitalisate zugänglich. Diese stellen sicher, dass auch in Zukunft die ehemalige Bibliothek der Benediktiner in innovativer Weise im ursprünglichen Zusammenhang recherchier- und benutzbar sein wird.
Link: http://www.nova-corbeia.upb.de
From: Melissa Bowling <melissa.bowlingmetmuseum.org>
Date: Oct 1, 2014
Subject: WWW: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives Opens Three Collections for Research
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives Opens Three Collections for Research
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives announces the availability for research of three collections of records of 20th century Museum officials and departments. Processing of these materials is funded by a generous grant from the Leon Levy Foundation (www.leonlevyfoundation.org), a private, not-for-profit foundation created in 2004 from the estate of Leon Levy, an investor with a longstanding commitment to philanthropy. The Foundation's overarching goal is to support scholarship at the highest level, ultimately advancing knowledge and improving the lives of individuals and society at large. Finding aids are now available online for:
• James J. Rorimer records: James J. Rorimer (1905-1966) joined The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1927 as Assistant in the Department of Decorative Arts, then rose through the curatorial ranks leading to his 1938 appointment as Curator of Medieval Art and The Cloisters. Rorimer left the Museum in 1943 to join the United States Army, and served in Europe as Lieutenant, Captain, and later as Chief of the Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section of the Seventh Army. After the war, Rorimer returned to the Metropolitan as Director of The Cloisters and Curator of Medieval Art (1949-1955), and Director of the Museum (1955-1966). The records document mainly his time as Museum Director, and include correspondence with institutions, organizations, donors, and trustees, clippings and documentation of special exhibitions and notable acquisitions, and information on the Museum’s Fifth Avenue and Cloisters buildings.
• Theodore Rousseau records: Theodore Rousseau (1912-1973) served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and in the Art Looting Investigation Unit of the Office of Strategic Services before being appointed Associate Curator of Paintings at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1947. He was named Curator in 1948 and Chairman of the Department of European Paintings in 1967, and was elected Vice Director of the Museum and appointed as its Curator-in-Chief in 1968. The records include correspondence related to curatorial matters, acquisitions, and deaccessioning, as well as clippings, articles, and photographs of works of art. They also include documents from his long professional involvement with the International Council of Museums, drafts and final versions of his professional writings and lecture presentations.
• Office of the Registrar records: The Office of the Registrar was established at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in January 1906. The records document acquisitions and loans of artworks, and related collection management activity, from the late 19th century through 1996, with an emphasis on the years 1906-1969.
For information about access to the physical materials at The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives, contact archivesmetmuseum.org or visit our website at http://libmma.org/portal/museum-archives/.
From: Christian Huemer <chuemergetty.edu>
Date: Oct 1, 2014
Subject: WWW: Database of Knoedler Gallery Stock Books Now Online, Getty Research Institute
The Getty Research Institute has launched an expanded dealer stock book database that provides free online access to almost 24,000 records created from the Knoedler Gallery painting stock books. Books 1 through 6, dating from 1872 to 1920, are available now; stock books 7 through 11 will be added soon. You can explore the records from the Knoedler stock books here: http://piprod.getty.edu/starweb/stockbooks/servlet.starweb?path=stockbooks/stockbooks.web
Knoedler Gallery in New York was a central force in the evolution of an art market in the U.S. Together with over 43,700 records from another prominent gallery, Goupil & Cie and Boussod, Valadon & Cie in Paris (1846–1919), which have been online since 2011, this expanded database can be used to reconstruct the itineraries of thousands of paintings that crossed the Atlantic during the Gilded Age—including many that ended up in major American museums.
- Learn more at: http://blogs.getty.edu/iris/database-of-knoedler-gallery-stock-books-now-online/#sthash.jbEtQYRN.dpuf
WWW: New Art Historical Resources on the Web [3]. In: ArtHist.net, Oct 5, 2014 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/8515>.